Cargo liner for Caravan

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Eric Anderson, Feb 3, 2006.

  1. I just got a new 2006 Dodge Grand Caravan with Stow&Go. I am looking
    for a cargo liner that goes all the way to the rear of the front seats.
    All the ones I see (Huskey, Catchall, Lloyd, Herrington, etc.) go to
    the 2nd or 3rd row seats, but not to the back of the front seats. I am
    trying to use the mini-van for general work I have used a Ford Ranger
    truck for in the past. If I had a liner like these manufacturers make
    that would cover the entire area back of the dirver's seat, it would
    take care of things like a 4 X 8 sheet of plywood, bicycle storage and
    other rough jobs that might scratch up the area behind the driver seat.

    Does anyone have some experience with these liners and can recommend
    the best one? Hopefully you can identify one such as I describe.
    Eric Anderson, Feb 3, 2006
  2. Eric Anderson

    Art Guest

    I had the same issue with a Honda minivan. I decided to go with the shorter
    liner and in front of them I use a folded canvas drop cloth from Home Depot
    or Lowes. That way I can use excess cloth to protect back of front seats if
    necessary and it is also less slippery than liner so less likely stuff will
    slide up and damage back of seats. Something to consider.
    Art, Feb 5, 2006
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