'Car Wars:' A peek into the automotive future

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jim Higgins, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. Jim Higgins

    Jim Higgins Guest

    'Car Wars:' A peek into the automotive future

    Car Wars, 1.4MB .pdf download:

    A new Merrill Lynch report sees big gains for Hyundai and Ford;
    slowdowns at GM, Chrysler.
    By Alex Taylor III, senior editor
    Last Updated: July 27, 2009: 2:26 PM ET

    NEW YORK (Fortune) -- Most forecasts of future performance in the auto
    industry tend to be variations of tea-leaf reading. Analysts take a look
    at what companies are planning in the way of future models, make a guess
    about sales volumes, and lay that over a macroeconomic outlook. The
    results are compromised by too many hard-to-quantify variables.

    However, one study, Merrill Lynch's "Car Wars," which has been produced
    annually for a decade, has proved remarkably accurate in forecasting
    future trends.

    Its premise is a simple one: The percentage of a manufacturer's sales
    volume to be replaced with new models drives market share,
    profitability, and stock price. In other words, new models equal
    success. Manufacturers with the youngest showroom age relative to the
    industry will perform the best.

    The results have been consistent. For at least ten years, General
    Motors, Ford (F, Fortune 500), and Chrysler have been slower to renew
    their fleet, and they have lost the most share. Japanese and Korean
    manufacturers have more rapidly turned over their fleets and gained the
    most share.

    The latest edition of Car Wars that looks at new models due in 2010
    through 2013 tells a similar story -- with one glaring exception. Once
    again, the Asians are at the head of the pack. Hyundai and Kia lead in
    new model replacement, with Honda in third place, Toyota (TM) in fourth,
    and Nissan ranked fifth.

    The big surprise is the company in second place: Ford. It gained
    three-tenths of a point of market share in the first half of 2009 to
    16.1%, and Merrill Lynch expects it to build on those gains because of a
    burst of new models.

    Ford is adding the small Fiesta, along with the Focus, to its lineup in
    2010 and a new crossover known as the C-Max in the 2012 model year. A
    long-overdue replacement for the Ford Ranger small pickup is also coming
    in 2012.

    The news isn't so good at GM and Chrysler. GM's lagging rate of model
    renewal means that market share losses "are likely to be greater than
    expected and more severe" this year and next, according to Merrill
    Lynch. It believes that GM's 18%-19% market share target is too
    optimistic, and that a more realistic range is 15% to 16%.

    Despite GM's burst of new models like the Cruze and the Volt, it is
    replacing only 9% of its volume in the 2010 model year and 12% in 2011.
    The Koreans, by comparison, are replacing 15% of their volume next year
    and a stunning 44% in 2011.

    If GM looks like it's lagging, then Chrysler's condition looks perilous.
    It is replacing only 5% of its volume next year, 9% in 2011, and 3% in
    2012. Merrill Lynch calls this "an ominous sign," adding: "This is a
    result of a lack of investment by Chrysler's last two owners [Daimler
    and Cerberus] and the dubious potential for Fiat products in the U.S.

    Merrill's bottom line: "We anticipate that Chrysler will be roughly half
    its current size in a few years creating room for other automakers to
    gain market share."
    Jim Higgins, Jul 27, 2009
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