Car of the Year

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dan Larsen, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. Dan Larsen

    Steve Guest

    "Apparently." Excellent choice of words.

    Yes, Toyota and Honda work VERY hard on maintaining the APPARENT
    reliability of their cars. I have always believed (and observed) that
    Chrysler products were and are measurably better engineering designs
    than Toyota and Honda products, but that the Toyota and Honda dealer
    networks bent over BACKWARDS to prevent people from having a bad
    experience. I don't know how many Honda owners I've known who could name
    numerous visits to the dealer (including tow-truck rides, engine
    replacements, transmission replacements, fuel system replacements, yadda
    yadda yadda...) but since they never paid a dime they still called their
    cars "100% reliable." Whereas I've known Chrysler owners that felt
    abused because an alternator wasn't covered under the "powertrain
    warranty," let alone all the headaches getting warranty extensions on
    the early 4-speed automatic transmissions. If Chrysler would exert the
    kind of influence over the service side of operations that Honduh and
    Yoda do, there wouldn't be anyone blathering about the "superiority" of
    Japanese cars.
    Steve, Nov 30, 2004
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