can't find A/C relays

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by The Stewarts, Jul 25, 2005.

  1. The Stewarts

    The Stewarts Guest

    My A/C compressor won't run. The A/C shop said the A/C is ok, it is
    an electrical problem which they don't work on.

    I have re-drawn the A/C section of the chassis electrical drawing in
    my Chilton manual, so I can see it better. Now I have some checks I
    want to do with the relays and sensors, but I don't know which relay
    is which. I see 5 relays along the driver side in the engine
    compartment and 2 on the passenger side. Which one is what? I at least
    need to know which is the "low speed fan relay" and the "Compressor
    Clutch Relay", but I would like to know what all of them are for.

    Also I seem to have an extra sensor that wasn't on the Chilton
    drawing. I have always known where the Low Pressure Senser Switch is,
    but these other ones I am not famiier with. I think I see the "Clutch
    Cycling Switch" kind of attached to the H valve back on the firewall.
    Also by checking the wire colors I think I found the "High Pressure
    Cut Out switch" down below in the line from the compressor and below
    another unidentified thing, but before the input to the condenser.
    But there is another sensor on the line that goes from the condensor
    to the receiver/dryer, what is that? I don't see any more sensers in
    the Chilton drawing, so what can it be?

    Gary Stewart
    Reply to group or email (leave out the x-x)
    The Stewarts, Jul 25, 2005
  2. What is the year and model of the vehicle are you working on?
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Jul 25, 2005
  3. I see that nobody else is replying, so I'll jump in. The wiring
    diagrams usually have wire color notations. Look at the relays and
    you'll see that they can be identified by the color of the wires going
    to them.
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Jul 26, 2005
  4. The Stewarts

    maxpower Guest

    I think we were waiting for the OP to answer your first question yr and
    maxpower, Jul 26, 2005
  5. Yeah, he kind of disappeared....
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Jul 27, 2005
  6. The Stewarts

    The Stewarts Guest

    I can't believe I left out the vehicle info., but obviously I did.
    This is a nice group, no one stuck it to me for being so stupid.

    It is a 93 Grande Caravan with a 3.3 V6

    Thanks for any help you can give.

    Gary Stewart

    Reply to group or email (leave out the x-x)
    The Stewarts, Jul 27, 2005
  7. Probably just a coincidence.
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Jul 27, 2005
  8. The Stewarts

    maxpower Guest

    Thats only because Daniel Stern hasnt read it yet.
    maxpower, Jul 27, 2005
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