Cancelling a Chrysler Extended contract?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by tc88, Apr 15, 2007.

  1. tc88

    tc88 Guest

    I just purchased a new Ram Yesterday and took one of the extended
    contracts. I am going to plow with the truck so I do want the contract
    but I found it online for almost $800 less for the same exact thing.

    In my contract application there is nothing about canceling. I am
    going to call the number on it Monday but am wondering if anybody ever
    cancelled one after they bought it and if you had any hassles getting
    your money back.

    This one was rolled into the loan.

    It is a Genuine Chrysler contract from the dealer.

    tc88, Apr 15, 2007
  2. tc88

    maxpower Guest

    You cant be a factory service contract. make sure the one on line is factory

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Apr 16, 2007
  3. tc88

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Most legal contracts provide the ability to terminate the contract within 24
    or 48 hours after it was executed/signed. Read the terms and conditions and
    contact them in writing ASAP. Also, make absolutely certain that it is the
    exact same warranty and allow the dealer to match the terms if they are
    willing. Good luck.

    Bob Shuman, Apr 16, 2007
  4. tc88

    Dipstick Guest

    Many such contracts can be cancelled without penalty during the first
    30 days. The 'catch' is that the dealer will refund the money to the
    bank, and the bank will apply it to your loan.
    Dipstick, Apr 16, 2007
  5. tc88

    philthy Guest

    look in the owner manual there was a clause about plowing commercially and
    voiding the warranty
    philthy, Apr 17, 2007
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