Can you identify this cam?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ThaDriver, May 1, 2005.

  1. ThaDriver

    ThaDriver Guest

    I just pulled a cam from a 318 & would like to know the lift & duration &
    possibly maker (it seems like a decent cam).
    It has the number 1136 on the shaft at the front, & on the other side an
    I5 or 15. At the rear, in front of the dist. gear it has an A & on the
    other side a 10, & behind the gear 0 "dot" 2. (the dot is in the middle of
    the numbers not low like a period :)
    Can this cam be identified from these? I don't see any other numbers or
    ~ Paul
    aka "Tha Driver"

    Giggle Cream - it makes dessert *funny*!
    ThaDriver, May 1, 2005
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