Bush Decides On "Operation Continuing Detroit Freedom"

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Comments4u, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. Comments4u

    Comments4u Guest

    With Congress deadlocked on a possible Detroit rescue plan, and the clock
    ticking away, any rescue of Detroit will have to come from President Bush.
    It could be concluded that a high stakes, pressure packed, time sensitive
    situation would appeal to the self described "Decider". But instead of
    working on the Detroit issue, the President took the weekend off for a
    visit to Iraq.

    Still, criticism that Bush shirked his duty may be unjustified. He appears
    to have returned inspired by the Iraqi experience and ready to apply all he
    learned from it.

    As with all Bush programs, it must have an appealing name, one that will
    invoke feelings of country, accomplishment, and dedication to higher
    principles regardless of their relevancy to the task. "American Automakers
    Patriot Act" was rejected as appearing to unduly favor Chrysler, since it
    builds a model called the Jeep Patriot. Bush initially favored "One Nation
    Under Detroit" before deciding on "Operation Continuing Detroit Freedom".

    Bush expects to throw a huge amount of cash to Detroit. He will appoint
    General David Petreous as Car Czar to manage the cash surge.

    The President met privately on Tuesday with members of Congress known to
    oppose aid for Detroit. All, despite their previous opposition, bought
    Bush's explanation hook, line, and sinker, of the clear and imminent danger
    posed to Detroit by foreign automakers. "It was real easy for me to change
    my mind and support bailing out Detroit" said one Senator "after the
    President showed me clear evidence that Toyota, Nissan, and Honda are
    destroying Detroit with Weapons of Mass Production".
    Comments4u, Dec 17, 2008
  2. Comments4u

    Gosi Guest

    The brits have decided to support Bush.
    They will be sending troops to attach all foreign factories in New
    They will start by parachuting in some SAS men during the holidays and
    close down woolworths.
    Woolworths n the UK has already been used as practice for the
    Some planes since WWII will be used in order for a camoflage as being
    an airshow.
    During the movement of troops from england all rules of going through
    security checks will be lifted.
    The SAS guys will be traveling as ordinary tourists but bring bombs,
    knives, shoes etc to throw at people.
    Soles of shoes are considered the ultimate insult especially when
    wearing them at the same time.
    Gosi, Dec 17, 2008
  3. I'll bet those shoes made him see the light.
    Caesar Romano, Dec 17, 2008
  4. Comments4u

    Gosi Guest

    Caesar Romano skrev:
    “This is a farewell kiss, you dog,” he yelled in Arabic. “This is from
    the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq.”

    "In Iraqi culture, throwing shoes at someone is a sign of contempt.
    When US Marines toppled Saddam Hussein’s statue on Firdos Square in
    2003, the assembled crowd whacked it with their shoes.

    Now they do the same to Bush and spit on him and all the US infidels

    This amounts to a huge defeat for the US and Bush in particular."

    "Hitting someone with a shoe is considered the supreme insult in Iraq.
    It means that the target is even lower than the shoe, which is always
    on the ground and dirty. Crowds hurled their shoes at the giant statue
    of Saddam that stood in Baghdad's Firdos Square before helping
    American marines pull it down on April 9, 2003, the day the capital
    fell. More recently in the same square, a far bigger crowd composed of
    Iraqis who had opposed the security agreement flung their shoes at an
    effigy of Bush before burning it."

    "Bush on the other hand has been referred to as Hitler, a genocidal
    murderer who approves of torture and has destroyed the Constitution
    and turned the US into a police state. Had BDS been reduced simply to
    pretzel jokes and his inarticulate use of English, I doubt the term
    BDS would ever been coined."
    Gosi, Dec 17, 2008
  5. Comments4u

    Mike Hunter Guest

    One has to wonder how many were throwing shoes at Saddam or his statue while
    he was alive? All you US haters may not agree but thanks to President Bush
    and the US military they now have the right to throw shoes and a lot more
    rights they never had before. LOL

    Caesar Romano skrev:
    "In Iraqi culture, throwing shoes at someone is a sign of contempt.
    When US Marines toppled Saddam Hussein’s statue on Firdos Square in
    2003, the assembled crowd whacked it with their shoes.
    Mike Hunter, Dec 17, 2008
  6. Hey drunk boy - if that guy now "has the right", why was he jailed?
    JoeSpareBedroom, Dec 17, 2008
  7. Comments4u

    Dioclese Guest

    Could one conclude that the Republican Senate purposely put down the
    "bailout" bill so Bush could go out in glory saving Detroit, or at least 2
    of the 3?

    In light of Madoff and Bla-what's his name, would not surprise me.

    2008 Focus , 5 spd no frills coupe- to date per fillup - 33 mpg low - 39 mpg

    How much CO footprint to remove and transport basic materials for batteries
    and to manufacture the batteries for the Ford Fusion and any other hybrid?
    Dioclese, Dec 19, 2008
  8. Comments4u

    edward ohare Guest

    Interesting idea. The question is can he... or anyone... save
    Detroit... assuming "save" means that within a few years they'll be
    unsubsidized profit making companies. (If "save" means subsidizing
    their losses forever, then of course than can be saved.)

    Having gotten responses from my Representative and one Senator to the
    **second** letter I sent them (still no response at all from the other
    Senator) I can say that at least these two have no knowledge of the
    car business (and perhaps no business knowledge at all). They don't
    acknowledge industry wide overcapacity, and just say we have to save
    the jobs. I have told them they need to pick one company and go with

    As far as the congressional Republicans trying to help Bush, I think
    its important to keep in mind that this is a lame duck Congress, some
    aren't coming back in January, and some of can blame George for them
    losing their jobs.
    edward ohare, Dec 19, 2008
  9. Comments4u

    Dioclese Guest

    Right now, Ford doesn't need help
    Both are scratching each other's backs in reality. You make it sound
    unusual by their appearances. How would you expect them to exhibit their
    actual motives? Bush will live in la-la land in Dallas, and, the ousted
    Repbulicans will get some cushy job in a big corporate office that they
    saved directly or indirectly with TARP. Life is tough. Just ask Madoff if
    in doubt
    Dioclese, Dec 19, 2008
  10. Comments4u

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Every other county in the world that has a automotive manufacturer
    subsidizes their industry. Japan subsidizes more than others
    Mike Hunter, Dec 19, 2008
  11. That's a pretty sweeping statement. How about some evidence?

    In Great Britain there is talk of Jaguar going cap in hand to the government
    because of the collapse in sales. It employs 15 000 directly and another 45
    000 indirectly. Probably small by US standards (and, anyway, Jag is a
    relatively small manufacturer even by European standards).

    However, the owner (Tata) is in pretty good shape so may not get funds.
    Might depend on how effectively they blackmail the UK govt.

    To send an e-mail directly replace "spam" with "schmetterling"
    Dori A Schmetterling, Dec 19, 2008
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