Built like a Mercedes (?)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Comments4u, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Comments4u

    Huw Guest

    My barn is bigger than yours LOL. It can hold 15 articulated wagons with
    40ft trailers at any one time.
    And that's a fact.

    You see two can play that game and you need to be sure that yours is
    actually bigger to be sure of winning.

    Huw, Feb 8, 2006
  2. I'm sure your barn is bigger but I'm not intrerested in "winning" anything,
    I'm just pointing out why I don't live in a city despite the distance
    Richard Sexton, Feb 8, 2006
  3. I don't know what in Hell you think is so unique about your conditions. I
    I think the point the OP made is that the UK would fit in the state
    of Rhode Island or some such thing. Distances involved in the UK
    and Europe are different than north america. What would be
    a normal drive to say, go buy a table or chair here would in
    Europe be the same as driving across 3 borders when it's the
    same distance.

    And while you may rack up high miles you are the exception
    not the rule. I remember the day (ok I'm dating myself) when
    Cardiff to Londo was a day trip. Now I go that far to buy crickets
    for my kids lizard and think nothing of it.
    Richard Sexton, Feb 8, 2006
  4. A long distance for me is anything over 300 miles in a day. What is it for
    Dialing 1 then area code before the number.
    Richard Sexton, Feb 8, 2006
  5. Comments4u

    Huw Guest

    Then why mention the size or assume about driving distances. You cannot
    generalise. I have friends who have holiday homes in the South of France and
    they regularly drive both ways. I do not know how far that is and would not
    presume to compare it with your mileage.

    Huw, Feb 8, 2006
  6. Comments4u

    Huw Guest

    I am far from exceptional. I am not the old boy who just drives to the other
    side of the village to fetch a paper but I would certainly not presume to be
    anything like exceptional. For a start, most of my mileage is actually
    within Wales.
    If you actually travel 200 miles for the purpose you describe then you
    really need to reassess life's priorities ;-)

    Huw, Feb 8, 2006
  7. Travel time from Pope and Danforth to Waterloo has likely doubled in
    the last 10 years.
    clare at snyder.on.ca, Feb 8, 2006
  8. Actually, it has gone up over the last 10 years 20,000Km per year is
    now considered to be low mileage. A 5 year old car with "only" 100,000
    Km is a low mileage used car. Average 5 year old car on the lot here
    has 150-180 thousand KMs on it.
    clare at snyder.on.ca, Feb 8, 2006
  9. Huw - you are missing the point. If you want to go for "records" try
    1770 km in 18 hours - non stop. or 3521 KM in 42 hours in the dead of
    winter - including an 8 hour rest stop. - for personal, not business
    We can do that here too, if we choose to.
    For business purposes? Just to and from work MANY drive 56000 miles a
    year. That's not "business miles". I know of lots of cars putting on
    well in excess of 80,000 per year for business purposes, calling on
    clients, or doing light delivery (courier service). Never leaving the
    province of Ontario - or even Southern Ontario (south of, say Barrie)
    clare at snyder.on.ca, Feb 8, 2006
  10. Then why mention the size or assume about driving distances. You cannot
    Because I've lived in the UK and I've lived in Canada and I've lived
    in the US and know the difference. You?

    A drive from London to Madrid is the same distance as Toronto to Atlanta.
    Half as much again and you're in Florida. While I've known people that
    have driven that for the wekend, that's no more the norm than a holiday
    home in spain for most people.

    Again, one can drive that distance and still be in Ontario. The scale
    of how far you *routinly* travel is much much larger in North America
    than Yurrup or the UK.
    Richard Sexton, Feb 8, 2006
  11. I am far from exceptional. I am not the old boy who just drives to the other

    What do you do, wake up, go to Ponty, with a circuitous route through the
    Rhondda, back home, repeat? Did Wales anex Russia or something when I
    wasn't looking?

    I don't rememeber it being that big when I left. (looks at
    map) no, it's still not much bigger than Toronto. :)
    Richard Sexton, Feb 8, 2006
  12. Travel time from Pope and Danforth to Waterloo has likely doubled in
    Bloody 'ell. Mercifully Belleville to Toronto hasn't but you DO
    have to pick your times. 3 am is good.
    Richard Sexton, Feb 8, 2006
  13. Driving from Waterloo Ontario to Prince Edward Island ( 1770 km) in
    one day is a long trip. Or driving to Montreal and back (1286 Km). Or
    driving to Winnipeg (2155 km) in 2 days. Heck, Waterloo to Windsor
    and back in the same day (587km) is starting to get a bit tedious, but
    is not a "long" trip. Waterloo to Banff in 2 days - that's a long
    trip. Waterloo to Lakeland Florida? That's a long trip. But none are
    terribly out of the ordinary for me in years past.
    Vic Falls Zambia to Luapula Province Zambia? now THAT IS a long trip,
    even spread over 3 days. Particularly in the rainy season. Worse
    conditions than what I generally encounter here in Canada.
    However,Even 170 Km from Wiarton to Waterloo is a long trip when
    there's a good foot of snow on the road surface, and you can't see 500
    feet in front of you like the trip this weekend!!!Shovelling the car
    (NOT a 4wd) out of snow banks just makes the trip longer.

    300 miles a day, in decent weather???? Naa, that's not a long trip at
    clare at snyder.on.ca, Feb 8, 2006
  14. Comments4u

    Huw Guest

    Huw, Feb 8, 2006
  15. Comments4u

    Huw Guest

    I have seen your average mileage quoted and there is not much difference.
    Average doesn't mean much in either place except as a measure of the hours
    spent behind the wheel in various locations and despite your protestations
    there is not a whole lot of difference.
    It is interesting to note the psyche that *needs* to believe that 'mine is
    bigger/better/longer/further than yours'.

    Huw, Feb 8, 2006
  16. Comments4u

    Huw Guest

    Hint, my business mileage is about 500 miles per week, which I don't
    consider much. Today I did Aberystwyth to Dale [15 miles southwest of
    Haverfordwest] which was about 175 miles total round, with a 16ft trailer
    and two tons on it for half the journey. Started at 1pm and back for 6pm.
    Tomorrow at some point I will hit Brecon.
    My daily drive is a Toyota Land Cruiser 4.2.

    Huw, Feb 8, 2006
  17. Comments4u

    Huw Guest

    No it is you that is missing the point. I don't consider my mileage to be
    particularly out of the ordinary. It is you that makes that kind of claim,
    repeated above. "Bigger/better/longer" remember?

    Huw, Feb 8, 2006
  18. Comments4u

    Steve Guest

    And that's only about 150 miles further than Orange, Texas to El Paso,
    Texas, travelling Interstate 10 all the way.
    Steve, Feb 8, 2006
  19. Comments4u

    Steve Guest

    clare at snyder.on.ca wrote:

    300 miles is taking it easy and seeing the roadside attractions. We used
    to run 500 miles/day towing a travel trailer on vacation, circa 1975.
    Steve, Feb 8, 2006
  20. Comments4u

    Huw Guest

    Bigger, better AND further eh.

    Huw, Feb 8, 2006
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