Built like a Mercedes (?)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Comments4u, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Comments4u

    miles Guest

    You shouldn't have to scroll to see what the person emailing you wrote.
    There have been arguments about top or bottom posting on just about
    every newsgroup. Everyone has their own opinion and reasons why.

    I have no problem scrolling to the bottom and moving up if I want to
    read through all the messages leading up the newest. Thing is, with top
    posting I have that choice. With bottom posting the reader is forced to
    scroll through everything. Reverse order makes more sense to me, most
    current message on top. Why people get confused is beyond reason. In
    the end it really doesn't matter but some people really get bent out of
    shape about it.
    miles, Feb 4, 2006
  2. Comments4u

    miles Guest

    Pooh Bear wrote:

    Proper trimming makes the reasons for bottom posting weak as well. It
    all comes down to personal preference. Why get bothered by something so
    simple either way?
    miles, Feb 4, 2006
  3. Comments4u

    miles Guest

    Most in the UK or much of Europe do not have personal needs for hauling
    heavy loads as is common in the USA. 10,000 lb+ RV's are very common in
    the USA. They tow them for recreational purposes. They don't want a
    commercial grade truck to do so. They want something that is
    comfortable for a family. In the UK recreational trailers are typically
    much smaller and lighter and thus little need for a high towing capacity
    family vehicle.
    miles, Feb 4, 2006
  4. Comments4u

    Roy Guest

    Well Miles, please allow me try to answer you. When you have nothing else to
    do and you become a anal twit, bitching about where people respond to a
    friggin' mindless thread may soon be the high point of your life. Rest
    assured Miles if I had more time to devote I could probably come up with
    more bullshit just like these idiots.
    Please play nice with them.


    Trim this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Roy, Feb 4, 2006
  5. Comments4u

    Huw Guest

    If you have been here in Summer or in rural areas any time you will know
    that there are a far higher proportion of vehicles towing over here than in
    the USA. Yes both vehicle and load are lighter but the towed load is
    proportionate. The loads are heavy for the towing vehicle type and that is
    the cruicial comparison. Pickups of the hilux type commonly tow 6600kgs
    legally and a bit more on the sly. Cars of the Ford Modeo class tow caravans
    up to a ton and slightly more on dropside compact trailers.
    I regularly tow 4 tons behind my Land Cruiser and old Land Rover, sometimes
    over long distances and this is *very* common. There are rather stringent
    rules for towing that kind of weight though and apart from certain excempt
    occupations it needs the fitting and use of a tachograph and all that goes
    with it.


    Huw, Feb 4, 2006
  6. Comments4u

    theguy Guest

    :) :) nice. :) :)
    theguy, Feb 4, 2006
  7. Comments4u

    miles Guest

    lol Roy! Usenet is full of people that will argue anything.
    miles, Feb 4, 2006
  8. Comments4u

    miles Guest

    I have been over there. I also personally know several that live in the
    UK. I do not believe there is anywheres near the proportion of
    recreational towing that there is in the USA. When traveling in the
    rural country of England I saw a few RV's here and there but they were
    very few. Everywhere I drive here, day, night, winter, summer there are
    numerous RV's on the highways. Sometimes bumper to bumper. Try driving
    from Palm Springs, California to Los Angeles on I-10 on the last day of
    a holiday weekend. It's bumper to bumper for over 50 mile stretch of
    RV's. Pretty much the same all over the USA. Until shown otherwise I'll
    stand by my statement that there are FAR more RV's being towed in the
    USA than in the UK.
    miles, Feb 4, 2006
  9. Comments4u

    Bill Putney Guest

    A variation of a joke told in the U.S. about a Texas rancher.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Feb 4, 2006
  10. They are different contexts. When you reply to a business e-mail you
    are generally carrying on a conversation with another person or small
    group, one that is fairly well-remembered by all the parties involved.
    The reader doesn't need the quote except for reference. When you reply to
    Usenet you are involved in a discussion with a large group of people,
    many of whom are involved in several other discussion threads also.
    The reader needs the quote just to establish which particular
    discussion the message refers to.
    Matthew T. Russotto, Feb 4, 2006
  11. Comments4u

    miles Guest

    The quote is needed in both cases. The issue is where that quote gets
    miles, Feb 4, 2006
  12. Is NOT!
    Daniel J. Stern, Feb 4, 2006
  13. Comments4u

    Arif Khokar Guest

    You may want to suggest that she delete text that she's not directly
    responding to. That will shorten the length of the post (sometimes
    considerably). This will lessen, or even eliminate, the need to scroll
    down. Note that I deleted the first 13 lines of the post I responded
    to. Had I not, you most likely would have had to scroll down to read my
    Arif Khokar, Feb 4, 2006
  14. Comments4u

    Arif Khokar Guest

    My experience with Netscape 4.x was that it would stop working after a
    few minutes. I ended up using OE until Netscape 6 came out. After I
    found that Mozilla releases updates more often than Netscape, I switched
    to that.
    Arif Khokar, Feb 4, 2006
  15. Comments4u

    miles Guest

    I used Netscape 4.x for quite a long time without problems. I now use
    Thunderbird. Works great.
    miles, Feb 4, 2006
  16. Both and posting have and There cogent thoughtful to made and each Arguing
    which is is

    top bottom styles benefits drawbacks. are and arguments be for against
    style. about one "best" stupid.
    Daniel J. Stern, Feb 4, 2006
  17. Comments4u

    Arif Khokar Guest

    It doesn't change the fact that it makes it more difficult to establish
    context. When I correspond by email, I do it the same way I post to
    usenet (trim irrelavent text and type right below what I'm responding
    to). Sometimes I go as far as reformatting an email to look more like a
    usenet post (using an external editor like gvim makes it really easy).
    Arif Khokar, Feb 4, 2006
  18. Comments4u

    Arif Khokar Guest

    Daniel J. Stern wrote:

    I I t t r
    ' h h e
    h m e i l
    a n e
    v c m g v
    e o e a
    n s a n
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    t e h x
    o d t e t
    , h n
    s e a
    e i y t n
    e f ' y d
    r p
    a o e e t
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    a e h e
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    m n i t e
    e o n h i
    n t g e r
    t y
    d t p
    t i o w e
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    a e n t
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    t l e d a
    o y n n
    p t t
    r t o
    p e h r
    o s e s e
    s p y a s
    t o y p
    i n s . o
    n d h n
    g i o s
    n u I e
    h g l f
    a d b
    s t o e
    o j n l
    a u e o
    a s w
    b n t i
    e y s i
    n d , t
    e s e .
    f p l t
    i e e h
    t c t e
    .. i e n
    i t o
    A c h n
    s e l
    p y
    f a w
    a r h q
    r t o u
    l o
    a o e t
    s f e
    Arif Khokar, Feb 4, 2006
  19. Comments4u

    Pooh Bear Guest

    In the UK, recreational trailers ( other than the dreaded 'caravans' ) are all but unknown.

    Pooh Bear, Feb 4, 2006
    Daniel J. Stern, Feb 4, 2006
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