Built like a Mercedes (?)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Comments4u, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Comments4u

    Pooh Bear Guest

    You do talk some astonishing drivel.

    Pooh Bear, Jan 31, 2006
  2. Comments4u

    Roy Guest

    You should probably learn to follow a thread before posting to it. Doing so
    will save you from looking like a total fool.
    Roy, Jan 31, 2006
  3. Comments4u

    theguy Guest

    well dave, i guess i could apologize to you for not using proper
    convention. i guess i could tell you that i am sorry that without
    capitals you seem to have trouble reading coharently.

    but you know what? i won't, because i really don't give a shit that
    you are such a moron that you can't read without everything being
    perfectly formatted i really really don't give even half a **** that
    you are such an uptight dip shit that capitals mean that much to you.
    geez dave, it really must suck to be you, or for that matter to have
    to "listen" to you. thank goodness, i only have to deal with the
    latter. anyway, enjoy being the grammar police, you fucking "twit".
    theguy, Jan 31, 2006
  4. Comments4u

    theguy Guest

    dave, you seem to have trouble telling one convention from another. i
    don't use capitals. you left out all spaces. different anomolies.
    just thought i'd let you know since you seem to be so incredibly
    fucking stupid that i am not at all sure that you knew that.
    theguy, Jan 31, 2006
  5. Comments4u

    Tom Lawrence Guest

    unsnipped post below. Nobody does this, so after a while top posters
    Okay... I don't personally do it, because I also like to edit out
    irrelevant parts. I just don't get my nuts in a vise over it and predict
    the downfall of human civilization when someone puts their comments at the

    Thanks for the education...
    Tom Lawrence, Jan 31, 2006
  6. Comments4u

    theguy Guest

    geez dave. you really are hung up on rules. you are one fucked up,
    up tight guy.
    theguy, Jan 31, 2006
  7. WOW!!!!

    we down to jabbin at my programs now?
    Christopher Thompson, Jan 31, 2006
  8. Comments4u

    theguy Guest

    wow. very rude and totally obnoxious. but then since it came from
    dave, no one is at all surprised.
    theguy, Jan 31, 2006
  9. Comments4u

    theguy Guest

    well, we should listen to you on this one graham. i mean, you seem
    to be an expert on drivel.
    theguy, Jan 31, 2006
  10. Comments4u

    theguy Guest

    normally you would be right. but this is dave, he is pretty much a
    fool to start with.
    theguy, Jan 31, 2006
  11. In the USA, that is...


    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling

    Dori A Schmetterling, Jan 31, 2006
  12. Comments4u

    Pooh Bear Guest

    Fine. Do nothing then !

    Pooh Bear, Jan 31, 2006
  13. Comments4u

    theguy Guest

    i don't know about the rest of you, but it is hard to get excited
    about arguing with a guy that calls himself "pooh bear". lmfao, i
    mean come on, "pooh bear"? hey, nighty nite pooh bear.
    theguy, Jan 31, 2006
  14. Comments4u

    Pooh Bear Guest

    There's a difference between modern synthetic oils and the 'dino-oil' so popular
    in the US.

    Pooh Bear, Jan 31, 2006
  15. Comments4u

    Pooh Bear Guest

    Because it makes sense to build near to the amrket.
    It seems your UAW has an unrelistic idea of its members' value.

    Pooh Bear, Jan 31, 2006
  16. Yes, I have experienced Fiat (Fix It Again Tony) - rusted away in less
    than 4 years, and the engine was shot in less than 2 - 1987 Fiat 128 L
    sports coupe. Also Peugot - 1967 204 wagon. Tough little piece of
    scrap - but not very dependable. To be fair, it had a hard life
    (Zambia Central Africa). Also Renault. 1967 R12 - rallied it for 3
    years and couldn't break it. NASTY critter to work on, but gave me a
    4,3,2 finish in 3 years on the ONNRC.
    My first car was a 8 year old Morris 850 (Mini) that had 196,000 miles
    on it when I rescued it from the scrappy.
    Had a Vauxhall too - 1972 Viva HC. Another tough little car - needed a
    lot of minor attention, but stood up well. My brother had a Victor
    Special (1962) and a Viva HA (1964) Nice cars, but rather fragile and
    underpowered. He lso had a Rover TC 2000 - a nice car to drive, but a
    real mechanic's nightmare. Other brother had a Sunbeam sedan for a
    short time.

    I owned an old FJ45 Land Cruiser too - now THAT was a tough truck
    (Station wagon)and several Toyotas.(corolla and tercel). They were the
    best of ANY vehicles I've owned - somewhere around 26 in number by
    I also drove a Series 3 Land Rover "swamper" high clearance pickup for
    a while and a Sunbeam Alpine GT 1275.
    clare at snyder.on.ca, Jan 31, 2006
  17. Comments4u

    Pooh Bear Guest

    No you didn't ! You waited til Japan bombed Pearl Harbor over 2 years after the
    start of WW2. US forces didn't arrive *in the UK* until 1942.

    England was saved from invasion by the 'Battle of Britain' in which the US
    played not one single jot.

    France was liberated by *allied* forces. Not just the US. Aside from the obvious
    Brits and Yanks there were Canadians, Free French, Poles, Australians, New
    Zealanders, Indians, Czechs and many others.

    You're a lying sack of shit.

    Pooh Bear, Jan 31, 2006
  18. Comments4u

    Pooh Bear Guest

    The USAAF didn't arrive in Britain until spring 1942.

    US troops weren't fighting in Europe untill the invasion of Sicily in July

    Pooh Bear, Jan 31, 2006
  19. Comments4u

    Pooh Bear Guest

    You really need to get out !

    In Asia ppl can't afford to replace cars willy-nilly. I'd expect some of the
    cars on Indian roads easily to be 20 yrs old. They don't rust that much over
    there actually.

    As for the roads - well until you've driven through a few Indian pot-holes you
    haven't experienced how bad roads can really be.

    Pooh Bear, Jan 31, 2006
  20. Comments4u

    Pooh Bear Guest

    Uh ?

    My last UK Vauxhall Cavalier lasted 180,000 miles and 16 yrs without any major
    parts replacement at all. Original clutch AFAIK too.

    You're daft if you think maintenance is expensive because of 'Euro' design too.

    Pooh Bear, Jan 31, 2006
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