Built like a Mercedes (?)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Comments4u, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Comments4u

    Alan LeHun Guest

    Actually, Japan declared war on the USA, followed days later by Germany.
    The USA didn't "enter" the war, they were dragged into it.
    Alan LeHun, Jan 30, 2006
  2. Comments4u

    Max Dodge Guest

    That's very odd. So if I add a couple of carriages to an empty train my
    Hardly, but it works well with a fully occupied train. If you missed that
    point, you are more daft than you suppose me to be.
    I commented plenty on freight traffic by rail. Do some research, you'll find
    that not only is it far more efficient by rail, but that our railroads are
    investing billions to expand service.


    "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
    soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
    -Ed Howdershelt (Author)

    Max Dodge, Jan 30, 2006
  3. Comments4u

    Max Dodge Guest

    In short, rail has a place in the overall transport scheme of things, but
    False. Your claims are based on loads and routes that would be catered to
    had there been, or if there is, a demand.

    You are claiming rail service is inefficient due to lack of use. That is
    false. Efficiency is not determined by use, but by capacity and capability
    on a given amount of energy.

    In short, rail is far more efficient at moving freight and people than other
    modes of travel. Personal preference dictates what mode is used, not
    efficiency. If rail were pursued as much as our energy use indicates that it
    should, all of the services you mention would exist, and at reasonable cost.

    Fact is, most of you would rather spend less money and burn more energy,
    than conserve energy at a slight personal cost while helping both the
    environment and our resources.


    "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
    soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
    -Ed Howdershelt (Author)

    Max Dodge, Jan 30, 2006
  4. Comments4u

    Bill Putney Guest

    Would it not be more correct to say "...their collective ass..."? (I'm
    thinking a collective anything is singular.)

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jan 30, 2006
  5. Comments4u

    Max Dodge Guest

    Tell that to the families of the thousands of American military personal
    How about I just ask my friends who have BEEN there?


    "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
    soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
    -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
    Max Dodge, Jan 30, 2006
  6. Comments4u

    Huw Guest

    That is at variance to what I hear on the mainly right wing American posters
    on alt.autos.toyota where there is only one decenting voice to the
    overwhelming majority who believe both Toyota and Honda are leagues ahead in
    reliability and longevity compared with domestic cars.
    Rust has been a thing of the past on Japanese built vehicles that have been
    imported here in the last 15 years. There was a time in the 1970's that they
    developed bodywork holes you could put your fist through within five years.
    That is historical and not representative of recent products.

    European vehicles fare a bit better, but
    Mass sellers always have cheaper parts. If European cars sold in enough
    numbers the parts prices would reduce in the same way that seldom needed
    Japanese parts have.

    I am aware that huge American vehicles have a very low payload in relation
    to their size and weight compared to European vehicles but that is only a
    symptom of poor design by the big American manufacturers. Could it be that
    some of their problems and decreasing market share is related to poor and
    profligate design?
    Toyota is going to overtake GM this year in volume terms. In profitability
    it has overtaken GM long ago and customer retention is very high, which is a
    prerecuisite of increasing sales.

    You are ignorant of wear factors affecting automobiles. A car reaches its
    operating temperature and wear is minimised.

    Thus our
    Tell that to the owners of Toyota and all the other Japanese vehicles who
    consistently lead reliability and longevity ratings all over the World.
    Is that so? A whole lot of your country has a55mpg limit while ours is an
    universally ignored 70mph. Italy is inhabited by looney drivers and Germany
    has no speed limits on some roads. I know of one owner of a British built
    McLaren there who regularly drives at over 200mph on his commute.
    Here in the UK speeds are generally kept down to 90mph or so because the
    driving license is lost if speeds exceed 100.

    This is
    Heard it all before about various cars trucks plant machinery and everything
    and it is bollocks. Japanese and exotic European cars would not be so
    successful in America if this were true. Fact is the big American barges and
    smaller cars that just don't drive as well as Japanese and European cars are
    like dinasaurs, out of time. This is the reason Ford and GM are in such a

    Actually very many cars make it that far. At least European and Japanese
    cars do. I have a Mitsubishi Shogun that has 165000 miles on it that has
    towed highly illegal loads far higher than it was designed for that is only
    now slipping its first clutch. My Toyota is just on 100,000 miles in eight
    years and it has only needed bulbs [two brake lights] and a rear wheel
    bearing so far. Even the exhaust is like new. A friends Audi Allroad which
    was serviced every 20,000 miles if it was lucky crossed 200,000 miles and it
    is still running somewhere probably.

    Your assertion that conditions are harder on cars in the USA is just
    nonsense as anyone who has travelled extensively will know for certain.
    Conditions are only really worse where roads are not metalled and where it
    freezes really hard for long periods. These things cause increased wear not
    your ridiculous assertion that long distance running causes it, which is
    laughable if it were not so sad in that you actually believe that you know
    your ass from your elbow.

    There are huge numbers of pickups sold in Europe though a lower proportion
    of total vehicles than in America. Very few have a payload of less than one
    ton. The market for half ton payload trucks is almost non existant. OTOH
    very few pickups have more than a 1.5 ton payload and most then buy 7.5 ton
    gross forward control trucks which are driven without a special driving

    Huw, Jan 30, 2006
  7. Comments4u

    Huw Guest

    So if left for 10,000 to 15,000 miles as is normal in Europe they would not

    Huw, Jan 30, 2006
  8. Comments4u

    Huw Guest

    Like taking those nice straight roads that go on for miles and miles?
    Yes of course conditions vary from place to place in the same way Europe
    varies from Finland down to Swizerland to Hungary down again to the bottom
    of Italy. European cars have no problem in these varied conditions and
    neither is there a problem with a Polish built car run in Sardinia which is
    as much of a contrast in conditions as you will get anywhere.
    You really should get out more.

    Huw, Jan 30, 2006
  9. Comments4u

    Max Dodge Guest

    Fortunately, when most of the U.S. was opposed to going to
    Well Alan, I guess you forgot about Lend Lease destroyers (the four
    stackers, as they were called), and the huge amounts of supplies and
    milatary hardware shipped to England from 1939 to 1941 PRIOR to Pearl
    Harbor. Further, I guess you forgot the guys who died on patrol aboard the
    U.S.S. Reuben James in the North Atlantic while escorting a convoy. They
    died as a result of a torpedo attack on the ship, with a loss of over 100
    men on October 31st, 1941. This was just the first of (IIRC) four USN ships
    sunk prior to war being declared.

    In addition, all of these events were part of the reason that there is a
    theory that FDR conspired to get us into the war. In order to continue
    sending supplies to England, if not increase the amounts, it has been
    supposed that FDR deliberately allowed Pearl Harbor to occur.

    It fascinates me that not only do you not realize so much was done before
    WWII started for the U.S., but that you don't know it despite the conspiracy
    to which the events prior to WWII have given rise.


    "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
    soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
    -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
    Max Dodge, Jan 30, 2006
  10. Comments4u

    Max Dodge Guest

    You actually only entered the war when it became obvious that the USA
    More rubbish than one bucket can hold.

    First off, Lend Lease was signed March 11 1941. Prior ot that, executive
    order placed miltary freight on its way to England. Thus we supplied Britain
    far before we entered the war. Second, we entered the war, not because we
    saw Britain in danger, but because we were attacked. (funny how we get
    pissed about that sort of thing.) It was enough for us to supply GB with aid
    and funding (some $50Billion) at the time.

    As to Pearl Harbor, most of the fleet was NOT sunk on December 7th. Not only
    were the carriers at sea, but IIRC, less than 10% of the ships anchored in
    the harbor were sunk. If 10% is "most", then certainly you are correct.
    Obviously, most of the world has a different idea of "most". More
    importantly, Pearl Harbor and its infrastructure were not significantly
    damaged. In fact, in less than six months, the "sunk" fleet so severely
    damaged the Japanese fleet that Yamamoto knew he had been correct in his
    predictions of eventual failure for Japan.

    You people should really try reading a little bit.


    "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
    soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
    -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
    Max Dodge, Jan 30, 2006
  11. Comments4u

    Huw Guest

    I seldom watch it and did not see that episode.

    Huw, Jan 30, 2006
  12. Comments4u

    Huw Guest

    The fact is that trains use more fuel per passenger mile than cars.
    This takes into account the amount of waste by trains moving rolling stock
    to where it is next needed. On top of this is the fuel used by the average
    commuter just getting from home and back to and from the station.
    If trains were more energy efficient than cars they could easily compete
    with the cost of running a car as an alternative. They would not even need
    fuel that was subsidised [in the UK] to a tenth of the price of car fuel
    and neither would they need huge amounts of public money on top.

    This is a reference to US energy efficiency which does not take account of
    rolling stock logistics which is well known to be a significant amount of
    traffic which demands energy which is 0% efficient. In other words it should
    be added to energy use figures for fuel used per passenger mile.

    Huw, Jan 31, 2006

  13. by Roosevelt or churchill?

    Guenter Scholz, Jan 31, 2006
  14. Comments4u

    Max Dodge Guest

    So if left for 10,000 to 15,000 miles as is normal in Europe they would
    Mine survive just fine. I have three cars over 100k, two over 200k.


    "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
    soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
    -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
    Max Dodge, Jan 31, 2006
  15. Comments4u

    DTJ Guest

    Well duh. I don't get $40 bucks an hour to sweep floors.
    You allegedly work for the auto unions, so if you aren't getting paid
    that much to sweep the floor, it must be because you get paid to

    DTJ, Jan 31, 2006
  16. Comments4u

    DTJ Guest


    DTJ, Jan 31, 2006
  17. Comments4u

    DTJ Guest

    Top posting ignorance corrected...
    Really. Here I thought that you were supposed to use capitalization.

    DTJ, Jan 31, 2006
  18. Comments4u

    DTJ Guest

    Yes it is relevant. Averages mean shit.
    But my point is that there are a lot of really shitty cars made in the
    world, and if you compare the number made per employee to the number
    of Accords made, it is not an appropriate comparison.
    Yes, because complacency was paramount until the Japanese began
    selling better quality cars.
    Yes, but who cares. Look for real American manufacturers like Toyota
    and Honda. Ford and GM can't make good cars to save their jobs.

    DTJ, Jan 31, 2006
  19. Comments4u

    DTJ Guest

    On Sun, 29 Jan 2006 21:27:47 -0500, "Christopher Thompson"

    You may not know this, but there are actually good quality news
    readers out there, and outhouse express ISN'T ONE OF THEM.
    Who knows, but whether it takes a week or billions of years, it is
    renewable. It isn't like they taught you in grade school - oil did
    not just come from dinosaurs.

    DTJ, Jan 31, 2006
  20. Comments4u

    DTJ Guest

    Only top posters do.
    Exactly. Which is why there are three forms of posting, one of which
    is unacceptable.

    The first method is bottom posting. It is very acceptable as long as
    the poster is not a moron, and he/she understand how to snip
    irrelevant portions.

    The second method is inline posting. That is what I did above.
    Something top posters can't understand.

    The last method, and the only unacceptable one, was propagated on
    Usenet by the idiot programmers at Microsoft, and is called top
    posting. Top posters are too fucking stupid to understand that nobody
    has any clue what they are talking about until they read the entire
    unsnipped post below. Nobody does this, so after a while top posters
    are only replying to each other, because all intelligent posters plonk
    them within a few posts.

    DTJ, Jan 31, 2006
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