Brake Ware question on LH cars

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mainframe, Jan 24, 2004.

  1. Mainframe

    Mainframe Guest

    I have a Eagle Vision TSI with Traction Control/Anti-lock brakes

    I am assuming that the Traction Control works by applying the brake to one
    side of the front (power) wheels while the other is left free to turn.

    If this is correct, then would not the disc brakes (and maybe one side more
    then the other) ware out faster then in a "normal" braking system?

    The reason for my question is that in upstate NY the (side) roads are not
    plowed very cleanly, and I notice that my traction control is almost always
    on at the lower city street speeds. And I was wondering if there was any
    problem with that.

    Thank for any imput
    Mainframe, Jan 24, 2004
  2. Mainframe

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I too have an Eagle Vision TSI with traction control. I believe that the
    traction control system applies the brakes to the wheel that it determines
    is "slipping" based on speed information from the ABS sensors.

    In any event, when the traction control comes on, it means you are wearing
    down your brakes. I have found that I can avoid this situation about 95% of
    the time by using my auto-stick to manually shift to a higher gear to start
    out from a stop light on ice or in heavy snow. I find that I can start in
    2nd or even 3rd gear and the reduced torque prevents spinning the wheels.

    Bob Shuman, Jan 24, 2004
  3. Mainframe

    Geoff Guest

    I second that. Use the AutoSchtick if you have it and it will help. Other
    than that, you can turn the traction control off if you're worried about it,
    or drive *very* gently for awhile until the snow goes away. Other
    possibility is that your front tires have become worn to the point where
    they're on the hairy edge of being unsafe for driving in snow. Consider
    checking tread depth.

    Geoff, Jan 25, 2004
  4. Mainframe

    Mainframe Guest

    Thanks for the info on traction control

    The reason I was so worried is that just going down my street you can hear
    the traction control "groining" and the green traction light going on and
    off like a turn signal every time one of the wheels loose traction.

    I usually turn it off and "manually" shift using the Auto-Stick.

    But somtime, you have to keep your eyes on the road ;-)
    Mainframe, Jan 25, 2004
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