Brake noise problem - PT Cruiser

Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by damita, May 20, 2004.

  1. damita

    damita Guest

    My 2001 cruiser just turned 60,000. Just a few days ago, it started
    making grinding noises from the front driver brake area - dealer
    replaced the front rotors as they were "thin and warped" - $352.00.

    BUT, my main problem through most of the time I've had the car (15,000
    mi, first noted) is with a grinding noise from the rear passenger
    brake that occurs either right before it rains, or on the first day it
    rains. After it has been raining a day or so, during the summer, and
    winter - no noise. The car is garaged and driven almost daily.

    I've had it looked at several times by 2 dealer shops - remedies have
    been to ignore it because it "goes away" and to clean the drum (of
    rust) and it stops making the noise until it's ready to rain again.
    And, yesterday I was told that this noise was normal with newer cars
    (yeah, right all 3 of my cars make this noise, and other people live
    with this noise - NOT!).

    Sad part is, they serviced it on Tuesday, it rained Wednesday morning
    (yesterday) so when I picked it up yesterday evening, on my first
    braking it made the noise. I drove around to the other side of the
    Chrysler shop, and sure enough it occurred each of the 3 times I had
    to brake. I went in and talked to the service manager who made the
    comment, "I was afraid that was going to happen when it sat out last

    His idea to try today is to put some type of brake silencer that was
    used for the Neon on that brake drum and see if fixes the problem. He
    said they'd have to rotate the wheel to "burn" it in?????? He wasn't
    sure that would fix the problem, or if they could fix the problem, I'd
    just have to live with it.

    So, I'm wondering why it's only my passenger rear making this noise?
    Are there problems with other cars with this brake noise. I've
    seached the web, and haven't found any rampant issues on braking
    noises. Are any other Cruiser owners having this type of problem?

    I mentioned the car being a lemon, and was laughed off by the service
    manager saying there was nothing dangerous about my problem. After
    reading the law, I see it doesn't have to be dangerous, just something
    that can't be fixed. Unfortunately, I've probably waited too long
    with the problem, but it still doesn't change the fact that they
    haven't been able to fix the problem since 15,000 miles to make it go
    away - just the weather can do that!

    And it has been something I have "lived with", it just my dental bills
    that are costing more as my teeth grind and my jaw clamps everytime
    the brakes grind.....
    damita, May 20, 2004
  2. damita

    John Rogers Guest

    I have had this problem with my PT but have also had it on other vehicles.
    On damp nights a thin film of rust forms on the brake disks and the first
    few times you brake the grinding is heard untill the disks are polished up.

    John Rogers
    John Rogers, May 20, 2004
  3. damita

    Steve Moore Guest

    Mine does the exact same thing. It doesn't bother me, as I have had several
    cars that have done it over the years. Drives my wife crazy though.
    Steve Moore, May 20, 2004
  4. damita

    Art Guest

    It is a problem with many models since they took asbestos out of brake pads.
    Also on some models there are clips or springs that need to be replaced
    during a brake job. If they are re-used they permit tiny vibrations which
    cause squeal.
    Art, May 21, 2004
  5. damita

    indago Guest

    040520 1538 - Steve Moore posted:
    It's one of those things that once you understand what it is you can live
    with it. It only lasts for the first couple of applications of the brakes.
    indago, May 22, 2004
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