brake click ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ken Weitzel, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. Ken Weitzel

    Ken Weitzel Guest

    Hi Everyone...

    Wonder if anyone can tell me offhand whether this experience is normal,
    or if it should be looked at... (better safe than sorry :)

    94 lhs, 3.8, loaded.

    Stopped in a busy mall yesterday... shut of the engine the instant
    before I realized that grand daughter and friends had left the rear
    windows down.

    Without having taken my foot off the brake, I turned the ignition
    back on (on, but not start) so I could put the windows up.

    The instant the ignition was turned on, a click sound, and I'm
    sure it was brake related because the pedal moved (or jerked) just
    a tad under my foot. Not far, not much, just enough to notice)

    Don't know how best to describe the "click". Metallic, neither
    sharp nor flat. Perhaps like you ever so gently tapped two
    hammers together.

    As to volume... not loud, just enough so it can be heard in a
    stopped car.


    What say you all? Normal, or should I have the dealer take a

    Thanks in advance, and take care.

    Ken Weitzel, Aug 2, 2006
  2. Ken Weitzel

    Bill Putney Guest

    Do you have ABS? Does everything appear to working OK now, and no fault
    lights on the dash?

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Aug 2, 2006
  3. Ken Weitzel

    Ken Weitzel Guest

    Hi Bill...

    No lights, nothing seems to be abnormal at all. Have ABS, and it's
    light self-tests fine.

    I think it's working OK, though I've only once ever experienced it
    "doing it's thing" - last winter, about to make a right turn when
    the drivers side wheels were on dry pavement, and the passenger side
    were on glare ice. I know it worked then, my foot was shaking :)

    Perhaps I should forget my age and "test" it once in a safe place?

    Take care.

    Ken Weitzel, Aug 2, 2006
  4. Ken Weitzel

    Bill Putney Guest

    Yeah - my guess is that you just confused it by the abnormal key off-on
    sequence and the abs momentarily hickuped - just a guess.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Aug 2, 2006
  5. Ken Weitzel

    Joe Guest

    The LHS has an ABS system that uses a very normal non-ABS master cylinder
    and vacuum booster. It has a pump that can pump the pedal up only if it
    needs to. That is, after it lets a bunch of fluid out of the system to
    allow wheels to turn, it can pump that fluid back in and push up the pedal.
    It does that only on an as-needed basis, and only while you're slamming on
    the brake.

    So that's what the hardware is that you activated. That's probably just a
    test routine that you felt, but I don't know why it wouldn't have sounded
    the same as it usually does. I have a 94 also, but I haven't noticed much
    noise from it.
    Joe, Aug 3, 2006
  6. Ken Weitzel

    Ken Weitzel Guest

    Hi Joe and Bill...

    Last night was just starting to rain heavily. The trans Canada highway
    is only 1/2 a mile away, with a newly ashphalted stretch on a couple of
    miles further. Figured it would be pretty slick, so I went for a little
    ride alone, and when there was no one else around at about 50 mph I hit
    the brakes hard.

    It worked perfectly; no skidding; brake pedal pulsating. :)

    Joe, perhaps I over-exaggerated the noise. Just for the heck of it
    try it with yours same as I did. Mine is consistently repeatable.

    Thanks for your replies, and take care.

    Ken Weitzel, Aug 3, 2006
  7. Ken Weitzel

    maxpower Guest

    You felt the system doing a self test.
    maxpower, Aug 4, 2006
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