Blown Engine in '99 300M

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by David Vancina, Sep 22, 2003.

  1. David Vancina

    Bill Putney Guest

    We both missed it. Here's the answer to that
    (scroll down to the "Instantaneous Piston Acceleration" section, and
    you'll see that the instantaneous accleration increases by the square of
    the RPM).

    That's a pretty rigorous excercise that guy went thru.

    This one has some pretty nice graphs that tell the story visually: Interesting that the max
    acceleration at the bottom end of the stroke is only 1/2 of the max
    acceleration at the top of the stroke. I would never have guessed that.

    My Google search also turned up these these interesting items:

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Sep 27, 2003
  2. David Vancina

    Bill Putney Guest

    Matt -
    Here's a link from my other post that talks about good design practices
    relative to mean linear piston speed, but not from peak acceleration and
    forces issues.

    I'm realizing that, unbeknownst to each other, we both have been doing
    simultaneous searches on this stuff this evening. We're pathetic, man!

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Sep 27, 2003
  3. Yes, very impressive. Now if he'd have thrown in some sample numbers to
    allow the calculation of the net Fn force we'd have a complete answer to
    our questions.

    Yes, I found the same site and just posted it also! I also just came
    across this:

    Unfortunately, it isn't discussing a gas engine and I don't think it
    would be prudent to extrapolate from the Cummins diesel to the 300M's
    gas engine, but it is interesting to note that Cummins permits extended
    operation ("several hours") at the redline (governed max engine RPM)of
    the 5.9l engine. They also permit lugging the engine for up to 1
    minute. I still can't believe that this limitation is due to bearing
    flim strength breakdown as that would occur in less than a minute. I'm
    betting it is localized heat build-up somewhere, but that is just a guess.

    Yep, found this one also!

    Yes, I'm aware of the piston speed issues, this is varies dramatically
    based on engine design and can't be determined from RPM alone. Aircraft
    engines running at 2500 RPM have piston speeds comparable to small
    motorcycle engines running at 10,000 RPM. Engine designers take this
    into account when they establish the red line value. I haven't seen
    Gordon Jennings name mentioned in a long time. He was my hero back in
    the 70s when he wrote for, if memory serves, Cycle magazine. Cycle is
    long since defunct and I think I read some time ago that Gordon had
    passed away. He wrote many excellent technical articles on Cycle with
    regard to the way engines and various parts worked. He was very clear
    in his explanations and used enough calculations and graphics to support
    his claims. He wrote an excellent article explaining how plain bearings
    work ... and it is my vague recollection on that which causes me to
    question the theory about lugging causing the oil film to break down,
    but I admit my recollection is vague as I read that article probably 20
    years ago.

    Good research, Bill.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Sep 27, 2003
  4. Being an engineer is a curse, Bill.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Sep 27, 2003
  5. David Vancina

    Steve Guest

    It may not be the dominant force, but its big enough to cause a
    significant change in the total (tension) force felt by the rod bolts.

    Empirically, race engines are more likely to throw rods when the driver
    lifts to enter a corner than when he drops the hammer to drive out of a
    corner, also.

    I can't find an immediate reference for the hard bearing material
    statement I made and you questioned, but it *is* a matter of fact that
    modern automotive engines tend to use aluminum bearings, whereas
    aircraft engines have stuck with babbit and softer babbit alloys at
    that. Tri-metal isn't even that common in aircraft engines yet, and
    although I'm sure that is largely to do with maintaining good
    embeddability because A/C engines don't use fine oil filtration (better
    to have a good flow of moderately screened oil than no flow at all due
    to a clogged fine filter!) but it also does have an adverse affect on
    lugging operation. Hard bearings with small surface area will score
    crank journals under lugging and detonation, but softer bearings hold up
    much better unless they're loaded to the point of deformation.
    Steve, Sep 29, 2003
  6. David Vancina

    Steve Guest

    I think Jake Brakes work by venting compression since you can dump more
    energy per stroke that way. The maximum "vacuum" you can work against is
    just 1 atmosphere (~14 psi), but if you vent compression instead you can
    work against a pressure differential of *many* atmospheres.
    Steve, Sep 29, 2003
  7. David Vancina

    Steve Guest

    Bill Putney wrote:

    Intuition can be very misleading in engineering applications :) That's
    the hardest thing I've personally had to learn and re-learn during my

    Several years ago, I wrote up a little Matlab script that generated
    plots very similar to those (and ignoring any combustion or pumping
    pressures). That's when I came to realize just how *bad* the rod ratio
    in a small-block Chevy really is. I plotted a family of piston
    acceleration curves as a function of connecting rod length, and by the
    time you're down to the kind of rod ratios that a Chevy 400 has, that
    "flattened" lower BDC lobe on the acceleration curve has divided into
    two sharp peaks before and after BDC, and (IIRC) there are some
    secondary peaks that begin to show up on either side of TDC as well. The
    Chevy 350 is right on the hairy edge of a "normal" looking piston
    acceleration curve, but the 400 is well into the "wierd" zone. All the
    Chrysler v8s look more sinusoidal than the plot shown on the page you
    referenced. Just FYI.
    Steve, Sep 29, 2003
  8. I still haven't found a real thorough analysis of this, but I have found
    a few sites that seem to support this via at least basic calculations.
    If I get real bored some night I may pull out my dusty engineering texts
    and give it a whirl myself.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Sep 29, 2003
  9. Yes, that is my understanding of how Jake Brakes work. There are some
    that put a valve in the exhaust stream just past the header, but these
    are typically not as effective as a real Jacobs brand engine brake that
    actuates the valves.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Sep 29, 2003
  10. I agree which is why I, and Bill also apparently, spent a fair bit of
    time searching for some analytical data the other evening. I found lots
    of interesting stuff, but no real complete analysis.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Sep 29, 2003
  11. David Vancina

    Bill Putney Guest

    That also happens to be when a piston is likely to crack due to thermal
    shock (rapid cooling) - not that I'd know that first hand, but my uncle
    was a Grand National (up until recently known as Winston Cup) driver in
    the 60's.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Sep 30, 2003
  12. David Vancina

    Bill Putney Guest

    Yep - if everything agreed with common sense or intuition, they wouldn't
    need us engineers, and Henry Ford's second car would have been a 300M.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Sep 30, 2003
  13. For anyone who's interested, I'm back on the road ($3800 later).

    The mechanic didn't have a precise diagnosis as to the "failure mode".
    Suffice to say there were lots of little pieces of metal all over inside
    that engine, and hole through the outside of the block to boot. One of the
    pistons was completely destroyed -- busted into at least a couple of parts
    and barely recognizable as a piston. Very impressive. Based on the
    somewhat S-shaped bend in one of the piston rods, my (highly uneducated)
    theory is that one of the pistons seized on a compression/exhaust stroke.
    Again, that's little more than a wild guess from someone who doesn't know
    too much about engines.

    Anyway, thanks to those of you who chipped in to the lively discussion. I
    learned some interesting stuff through your posts. (The tuition was kind of
    expensive, but this is one of those times when I thank Jesus for the money
    to pay unexpected bills.)

    Best regards,

    David Vancina, Oct 14, 2003
  14. Interesting. I suppose your theory is possible, but I've never seen a
    piston seize fast enough to bend a rod. Almost sounds like something
    got into the combustion chamber. Were all of the valves intact? I've
    seen engines that swallowed a valve look like what you describe.

    If the engine got low on oil, I think one of the bearings would have
    seized before the piston seized. Was the big end of the pretzel shaped
    rod welded to the crank journal?

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 14, 2003
  15. Mmmmmm....not terribly likely. Pistons generally do not seize tightly or
    quickly enough to bend rods at all.

    Daniel J. Stern, Oct 14, 2003
  16. Yup, it's more likely a connecting rod cap popped and the intertia from
    the running engine did the damage the guy desicribed. There is a lot of
    momentum in a running engine so a catastrophic failure can result in
    lots of "follow-up" damage until it comes to a grinding halt.

    Chris Mauritz, Oct 15, 2003
  17. It would be pretty obvious though if this were the failure mode. He
    didn't mention a rod being separated from the crank, but maybe he just
    omitted that inadvertently.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 15, 2003
  18. I asked the mechanic about the cap and bolts holding the piston on the
    piston rod, relating what some of you had discussed regarding the inertial
    forces under low/no load conditions, but he said that was intact.

    I didn't see the rod/crank, so I don't know whether that connection was
    intact or not -- the mechanic didn't mention it. With the piston being as
    busted up as it was, it makes me think that the rod and crank must still
    have been connected. Otherwise where would the force come from?

    I think another poster suggested something got pulled into the cylinder from
    the top of the engine, with the rest of the damage cascading from there.
    That certainly seems feasible. Without someone who's both qualified and
    interested looking at the remains, I suppose we won't be able to know for
    David Vancina, Oct 16, 2003
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