blinker stuck on- update- 99 jeep cherokee classic

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jczap, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. jczap

    jczap Guest

    I took the car in to be diagnosed and I'm told it's going to need a new
    wiring harness (it will be about $600 with the diagnosis, parts and
    labor). Mechanic said that this would be cheaper than trying to figure
    out which of the 50+ wires in the area might be damaged.

    I suppose these hidden problems often occur when buying a used car but
    I thought that I had covered my bases by having a 1 hr "bumper to
    bumper" safety inspection prior to purchasing it.

    blinker stuck on
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    From: jczap - view profile
    Date: Tues, Sep 5 2006 9:36 am
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    when i have my headlights turned on, my left blinkers are stuck on but
    do not blink.
    when i have my headlights off, my left blinker works fine but the car's

    digital clock blinks on and off.

    has anyone else had a similar problem? is it something that is
    difficult to fix? thanks.

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    From: DeserTBoB - view profile
    Date: Tues, Sep 5 2006 10:15 am
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    You have a rather interesting electrical problem that seems to trace
    back to the fuse block. Has this car been in a wreck or had any major
    work done lately, or did it just start happening? It sounds to me as
    if the panel light circuit is somehow shorted to the left turn signal
    circuit. It could be happening anywhere in the dash panel circuit as
    well, which sounds like the probable cause. If the dash TS indicator
    is somehow shorted to the panel light circuit, that'd do it for sure.

    I'm curiously reminded of the home center commercials where the guy
    puts in a ceiling fan, throws the switch to show off to his old lady,
    and the sprinklers come on.

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    From: jczap - view profile
    Date: Tues, Sep 5 2006 10:43 am
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    I'm not sure if this problem has been going on for awhile or if it just

    started- I bought the car used from a private owner last week. The
    carfax report didn't say that it had been in any accidents. It is
    possible that the former owner tried to fix it himself because the
    cover to the fuses is missing.

    I take it that this problem is too difficult for a novice like myself
    to fix? Is it likely to be expensive to repair? Thanks.

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    From: DeserTBoB - view profile
    Date: Tues, Sep 5 2006 11:00 am
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    There ya go! Bumbling owner tried to fix, couldn't, sold his troubles
    to someone else. Trouble could be in the fuse block, but could also
    be up in the dash. What seems to be happening is that the LH turn
    signal circuit is crossed with the dash light circuit...that's why
    your digital clock is probably flashing from dim to bright, rather
    than on and off. First clue: pull the instrument lamp fuse, and the
    turn sigs may start working.

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    From: jczap - view profile
    Date: Tues, Sep 5 2006 12:22 pm
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    thanks for the guideance!

    will the instrument lamp fuse be labeled in some way?

    I also noticed this posting online, in which a person seemed to have a
    similar problem. do you think (like the discussion below) a bulb could

    be a problem or because the clock is flashing there is likely a short.

    thanks again

    Turn Signal Lamp Stuck On
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    From: Spiderman - view profile
    Date: Wed, Jul 9 2003 2:11 am

    The left turn signal indicator in the dash is stuck ON only when the
    headlights are turned on. The left turn bulb on the front blinks when
    turning, but is off otherwise...unlike the right front turn bulb. Are
    telling me that the steady left turn signal indicator is telling me to
    replace the front left turn bulb?

    I think its telling you that you have a bulb burned out. Its not the
    signal bulb. Its in the turn signal housing but its a small bulb that
    be seen from the side of the truck. Turn on your park lights and look
    the right side of the truck. You have a parklight that is seen from
    front and another (smaller) light that's seen from the side. If you
    turn on
    the right blinker, it blinks in front and on the side. Do the same on
    left. The small bulb to the side of the truck is not working. This
    all be for nothing, cause I've been wrong before. GM started this
    stuff in
    the 70's I think. On older trucks, it was a "clearance" light in the
    (separate from the turn signal, but it blinked with it.)

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    From: DeserTBoB - view profile
    Date: Tues, Sep 5 2006 1:44 pm
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    Yes, on GM and Chryslers, I've seen it variously as "INST LPS" and
    "PNL LPS", and maybe a couple of others.

    A "bulb" itself isn't the problem, but I've seen cases where the bases
    on bayonet style "twist in" panel lamps weren't installed properly and
    one of the contact would be rubbing another trace on a printed wiring
    board, although that's a stretch.

    Trouble's somewhere in the dash lamp circuit, and I bet there's a
    cross between the instrument lamp circuit and the LH turn signal
    indicator circuit, probably in the instrument cluster itself.
    Obvously, some goof has been rummaging around in the fuse panel
    already. Hint: the cover to the fuse panel is most likely under the
    driver's seat, where I usually find them all.

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    From: Steve B. - view profile
    Date: Tues, Sep 5 2006 5:51 pm
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    Start by checking / replacing the bulbs on the left side. The turn
    signal bulbs have two filaments in them. It is possible for one
    filament to fail, break, and then fall on to the other filament. When
    this happens all sorts of weird things start happening with the

    First thing I would do would be to check those bulbs very carefully
    for a broken filament or replace them or swap them to the other side
    and see if the problem goes away (or moves to the other side if you
    swap them).

    Steve B.

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    jczap, Sep 7, 2006
  2. jczap

    David Guest

    Get a second opinoin a good auto elec should be able to trace the hassle.
    Lushy in Australia
    David, Sep 7, 2006
  3. jczap

    Steve B. Guest

    You should take the vehicle to an auto electric shop to be diagnosed,
    not a dealer.

    Steve B.
    Steve B., Sep 8, 2006
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