Black boxes in autos?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TOM KAN PA, Aug 4, 2004.


    Steve Guest

    The O'Hare accident (after which not ONE more DC-10 was ever sold!)
    happened way before Sioux City. Again, you could argue it was "human
    error" because American Airlines was hanging engines on the pylons with
    a forklift, which over-stressed one of the 3 bolts that held the engine,
    which in turn led to structural failure of the pylon months (or maybe
    years) down the road. But it WAS a structural failure, and you can abuse
    most systems on a car much worse than that without causing a failure.

    The point of the debate is that airframes are always stressed much
    closer to their ultimate limits than cars are because they just can't
    carry any excess weight, and that's just a simple fact.

    However, it did have at least one major design flaw that
    True. But the DC-10 had a hell of a lot more problems than just that one
    system. It was a maintenance pig, and the MD-11 was worse. Those two
    airplanes killed Douglas, no question. Even the wild success of the
    DC9-80 (aka MD-80) couldn't help the company dig out of the hole the
    DC-10/MD-11 fiascos created.
    Steve, Aug 8, 2004

    Bill Putney Guest

    Nope - I was referring to the McDonnell Douglas DC-10, one of which was
    an American Airlines plane that crashed on attempted takeoff out of
    O'Hare from - engione pylon bulkhead-to-wing failure due to maintenance
    procedure shortcut not authorized by McDonnel Douglas though they
    suffered financial devastation over the affair.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Aug 8, 2004

    Matt Whiting Guest

    That is hilarious. I've experienced structural failure in an automobile
    and witnessed several structural failures. The difference is that
    nearly any significant failure of an airplane makes the national news,
    whereas rarely does an automobile accident make the national news. The
    fact that you aren't aware of structural failures of cars, doesn't mean
    they don't exist.

    Did the tankers have FDRs onboard?

    Must be your definition of many is the same as your definition of much.
    Very few small private planes are pressurized. The P210 is one, but
    very few of those were built. There are a few piston twins that are
    pressurized, but again, not many of those are privately owned, unless
    you consider a small business to be a private owner. Maybe you consider
    bizjets to be small private planes.

    Well, I don't consider bizjets to be a reasonable comparison to
    passenger cars as few are truly privately owned and operated. Most are
    owned and operated by businesses.

    It is only counter productive if the reduction unit weight offsets the
    performance and efficiency gain from a high RPM engine. A number of
    WWII airplanes used higher RPM engines with reduction drives. They are
    also becoming more popular in the homebuilt market. I suspect it is
    only a matter of time before Honda or Toyota introduce a high
    performance, high RPM piston engine with a decent reduction drive. Then
    again, the piston engine market is so miniscule that they may never do
    so, especially after the Porsche/Mooney experience.

    Except that the turbine has almost no role yet in small airplanes. A
    number of 4-6 pax jets are on the drawing board or flying as proof of
    concept prototypes, but even the cheapest of those are far out of reach
    of the average GA pilot. And turbine efficiency below 25,000 feet is
    pretty poor.

    Matt Whiting, Aug 9, 2004

    Steve Guest

    A high-RPM engine is not necessarily efficient. In fact its harder to
    make a high-RPM engine as efficient as a slower-turning engine with
    relatively low compression and a fair amount of turbocharger boost.
    You mean "high RPM" as in a Rolls Royce Merlin that ran a whopping 3000
    RPM and had a reduction gear so it could swing a 14-foot prop? Or "high
    RPM" as in a Napier Sabre that ran maybe 4500 (and was so unreliable
    that not a single running example remains)? If 4000 RPM is "high" then I
    agree with you- but that's nowhere near the point that 4 valves per
    cylinder makes sense.
    It'll never happen. The aircraft reciprocating engine has been through a
    very, very long evolutionary cycle, and everything except air-cooled /
    low RPM engines has ultimately proven to be a failure in that
    environment except for niche applications. Nothing's going to change that.
    Steve, Aug 9, 2004

    Greg Houston Guest

    Most aircraft piston engines are redlined at or near 2,700 rpm for reasons
    having to do with the prop more than the engine. Of course a constant speed
    prop is more efficient because you can choose between a faster prop speed
    (with the engine developing more power) for takeoff/go-around situations and a
    lower speed for efficient (and quieter) cruise settings. According to the
    guys at Lycoming, 2,700 is too slow for the engine to develop its potential
    max power, but it is a compromise for the prop efficiency, load, and noise.

    A reduction gear allows both engine and prop to operate at their most
    efficient speeds simultaneously, but it presents several challenges. First it
    adds expense and weight, and both are very undesirable--particularly weight.
    The cowling would likely need to be extended, changing the W&B. It also is
    another complication in a design where simplicity is greatly favored.
    Finally, a sharp reduction in power (e.g. pulling the black or even blue
    handle back sharply) can cause problems with the reduction gear system and
    engine counterweights. In World War II, engineers found that reduction gears
    and very high performance engines were a very desirable combination that was
    favored over its drawbacks, but they are fairly rare on today's designs.

    On the other hand, reduction gears are certainly used for turboprop engines.
    Greg Houston, Aug 11, 2004

    Steve Guest

    Yeah, but that's a COMPLETELY different loading profile than a piston
    engine. With a turbine, there's no torque pulsation as the cylinders
    fire, and far less "reverse" torque when power is reduced. Big piston
    engines routinely beat the tar out of their reduction gears- even the
    ones with planetary reduction gears like the big radials use.
    Steve, Aug 12, 2004

    Greg Houston Guest

    All true, and more importantly turbines tend to operate at speeds that would be
    considered exotic for recips, such as 30,000 rpm. Needless to say, it would be
    very problematic to have a propeller operate at these speeds, and even if you
    could design one to withstand the force, efficiency would be terrible and the
    noise prohibitive. Hence the need for a reduction gear to a more respectable
    2,200 rpm. :)
    Greg Houston, Aug 14, 2004
  8. Most of what you suggest is far too sensible to ever be implemented...

    Dori A Schmetterling, Aug 14, 2004
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