BEWARE-"DESERTBOB" will destroy your newsgroup

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by duty-honor-country, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. "DESERTBOB" wreaked havoc on many other newsgroups, and ran here to
    hide, and changed his username- after he was branded as a troll.
    Perhaps you should read his posting history before you spout off

    Sleep with big dogs, be prepared for some very big fleas. DeserTBob
    has a lot of luggage with him, and I suggest you ignore him, and MYOFB,
    otherwise you'll get sucked into it too.
    duty-honor-country, Aug 31, 2006

  2. Why did you create a new false Google username, to make this one post
    duty-honor-country, Aug 31, 2006
  3. duty-honor-country

    DeserTBoB Guest

    He has it all over the 'net, then wee-wee when his paranoid delusional
    behavior comes home to roost. As for his mother or some BS, I never
    called her...more Charlie Nudo delusions.

    This troll is quickly disintegrating this newsgroup like he did
    alt.collecting.8-track-tapes and tried on,
    plus a number of others. Complaints to for
    "trollshifting" and newsgroup disruption are more than in order here.
    DeserTBoB, Aug 31, 2006
  4. duty-honor-country

    Steve Guest

    ....stalking another idiot. Two for the price of one... <eyeroll...>
    Steve, Aug 31, 2006
  5. duty-honor-country

    bicycle Guest

    Googled just cancled his account for abuse, that's 8 shut down in the
    last 4 days. If he's such a victim, why do they keep shutting him down?
    bicycle, Aug 31, 2006
  6. The word is "wrought".
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Aug 31, 2006

  7. Now you're both crazy. How do you manipulate feedback on ebay?
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Aug 31, 2006

  8. good point- ask him how someone gets 1271 positive feedbacks, all
    dutyhonorcountry2, Aug 31, 2006
  9. I'd have to check that one, but if so, I stand corrected !
    dutyhonorcountry2, Aug 31, 2006

  10. don't sweat it- "desertbob" has already had (2) usernames banned from
    Ebay, and "bicycle" has had (1) banned from ebay- for exactly what they
    are doing now- they may have created new ones, but have to hide in the
    sewers of ebay, for fear of being detected

    a just place for them, IMO !
    dutyhonorcountry2, Aug 31, 2006
  11. duty-honor-country

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Not "crazy" at all. First trick is to extort "good" feedback from a
    dissatisfied buyer by threatening to leave phony "negative" feedback.
    Beware of this from sellers who refuse to post feedback until you
    do...they use it as a backup. Second is to offer bribes, such as
    "freebies" and outright extortion, which Charlie Nudo has done in the
    past. In my case, the item was obviously a fake, and he thinks that
    this will eviscerate the underlying crime of fraud. In fact, in that
    case, he was offering an illegal "off-eBay" sale when I didn't win the
    bid, something for which he's had his account suspended a number of
    times already. Third, go look up 66fourdoor "left for others"
    feedback on:

    Then, click over to "negative feedback for" for 66fourdoor, and you'll
    see the extortion complaint...only one of several who were smart
    enough to leave it in feedback, rather than knuckle under.

    You can see how he reacts when he doesn't get his way.

    No more of this from me. I'm sure, as long as this current
    incarnation of the troll Nudo exists, he'll lie and spin his way into
    appearing the victim. I won't have any part in feeding this troll
    DeserTBoB, Aug 31, 2006
  12. Don't get too excited about winning a point. You're both crazy.
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Aug 31, 2006

  13. ignore DeserTBob- he'll go away- then Bicycle will go away- and my work
    will be done
    duty-honor-country, Aug 31, 2006
  14. duty-honor-country

    bicycle Guest

    You extort a positive, pretty easy to do. Threaten a negative in
    Dig deep into his feedback and you'll notice his attempt to "cancel"
    out a positive he gave because he recieved a negative.
    bicycle, Aug 31, 2006
  15. duty-honor-country

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    Exactly -what- did I miss?
    Dunno... But you -do- seem preoccupied with warning us about
    aarcuda69062, Aug 31, 2006
  16. duty-honor-country

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    Just like I said.
    An obsessed idiot.
    aarcuda69062, Aug 31, 2006

  17. no, not crazy...and not revenge...

    just punishment
    duty-honor-country, Aug 31, 2006
  18. duty-honor-country

    Joe Guest

    I second that. Let's have some ebay names.

    It's pretty obvious that duty-honor-country should check into a hospital.
    Those of you that actually reply to him should join him. Do you really
    think this sort of material merits reply? If so, resist posting and/or see
    a doctor.
    Joe, Sep 1, 2006
  19. duty-honor-country

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Feeding trolls makes them fat and sassy. Starving them makes them go
    elsewhere for forage material.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 1, 2006
  20. Here's what DeserTBob will work up to eventually, he's already
    starting- this is a typical post of his from our alt.collecting group-
    link and post below. You're saying this guy is sane ? I beg to

    From: DeserTBoB - view profile
    Date: Sun, Jan 23 2005 11:55 pm
    Email: DeserTBoB <>
    Groups: alt.collecting.8-track-tapes
    Not yet ratedRating:
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    Just what I ALWAYS thought Noodles would turn out to be...a pencil
    necked GEEK!

    Let's morph him to have a dick coming out of his mouth, and it'll be

    duty-honor-country, Sep 1, 2006
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