BEWARE-"DESERTBOB" will destroy your newsgroup

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by duty-honor-country, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. duty-honor-country, Aug 31, 2006
  2. Now, the proof of "DeserTBob's" lies-

    Notice he came into your group, saying his wife loves the 1986 Chrysler

    Yet on his myspace page, he states he is single, and a "female plumbing

    you make the call, people- see link above- and info pasted below from
    his myspace page- notice in his interests section, NOTHING ABOUT CARS-
    and he's there for "dating and friends"- question- what about his
    "wife" ??


    50 years old
    United States

    Last Login: 8/30/2006

    MySpace URL:

    DeserTBoB's Interests
    General Analog tape, electronics one can actually work on, stuff that
    lasts more than a year, fisting. Take your pick.
    Music Anything but ghetto noise. I even have 8 track cartridges...and
    they work! Best dirt cheap music source out there for the technically
    inclined. Makes a great conversation piece...makes people go, 'Huh?'
    Movies "Good Night and Good Luck"
    Television How many times will "Mad Chicken" McCoy get indignantly
    outraged on "Law &; Order" before they retire him? I liked Adam
    Schiff..."Witness is in da evidence...we're in da dumper!
    Make da deal...." I loathe Fred Thompson...because he's a Repukican.
    Heroes USAF
    Groups: CockerSpaniels, The Immortal Fist of Myspace.

    View All DeserTBoB's Groups

    DeserTBoB's Details
    Status: Single
    Here for: Dating, Friends
    Body type: 6' 1" / Some extra baggage
    Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
    Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
    Children: I don't want kids
    Occupation: Female plumbing engineering
    duty-honor-country, Aug 31, 2006

  3. ps- many have been asking him for TWO YEARS now, what his major was at
    UCLA, listed in his profile on to this date, he has
    ignored that question

    what's he trying to hide ?
    duty-honor-country, Aug 31, 2006
  4. duty-honor-country

    bicycle Guest

    Banned accounts of net stalker Charlie Nudo:
    bicycle, Aug 31, 2006
  5. duty-honor-country

    bicycle Guest

    Why are you stalking him?

    Why are so many of your accounts banned for abuse?
    bicycle, Aug 31, 2006

  6. yes, and I have already spoke to Google reps in person, about how you
    and your 4 friends "flood" Google with complaint reports, and you are
    ABUSING their complaint system. Ebay is on to you and ignores your
    complaints now- and Google will also be on to your ploys and also
    ignore you- and then YOU will be banend- just like you and DeserTBob
    had (3) EBay accounts banned, for the same type of harassment.
    duty-honor-country, Aug 31, 2006
  7. Wow, tell me what your ebay names are and I'll ban everybody involved in
    this argument from bidding on my auctions.
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Aug 31, 2006
  8. duty-honor-country

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    aarcuda69062, Aug 31, 2006
  9. duty-honor-country

    DeserTBoB Guest

    His current eBay accounts is 66fourdoor, from which he does most of
    his frauding and extortion. Check out his rep on He's also had two other accounts killed by
    eBay for fraud and rule violations....quad-dubber and
    DeserTBoB, Aug 31, 2006
  10. duty-honor-country

    DeserTBoB Guest

    SUUUUUUURE, ya did, Noodles. I guess that's why your accounts are
    disappearing at such a high this one will disappear any
    mintue now.
    DeserTBoB, Aug 31, 2006
  11. duty-honor-country, Aug 31, 2006
  12. duty-honor-country, Aug 31, 2006
  13. this "DeserTBob" guy has been harassing my Ebay auctions now for TWO
    YEARS- after he got a full refund for a $40 tape he bought, and he

    He has attacked and libelled/slandered my name, see his archived posts

    He has attacked and libelled my ebay sellers account, see his archived
    posts here:'s+posts

    what I'm telling you is true, and eventually, he will do the same to

    be forewarned. This same guy posted the names of my sisters, brother,
    mother, even my local parish priest, with dirty sexual innuendo. They
    also called my mother, age 71, and told her I was hit in a car
    accident, and in the hospital.

    how would you feel ??

    DESERTBOB has had (2) Ebay usernames banned of his own for this- they

    BICYCLE created a fake username mocking mine, with one extra letter,
    called 66FOURDOORR- that was also banned.

    If you check my Ebay feedback, you'll see I'm an honest person.

    See it here:

    I've been selling on Ebay now for 5 years, and these guys have been
    harassing me now for 2 years.
    duty-honor-country, Aug 31, 2006
  14. duty-honor-country

    DeserTBoB Guest

    If you believe that manipulated feedback, I have a rather large bridge
    in New York City that is for immediate sale.
    DeserTBoB, Aug 31, 2006
  15. duty-honor-country

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    aarcuda69062, Aug 31, 2006
  16. duty-honor-country

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    aarcuda69062, Aug 31, 2006
  17. duty-honor-country

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Not a thing. It's called "newsgroup disruptions" and "trollshifting."
    Please don't feed the troll by responding to it; that's what it wants.
    Instead, simply foward his entire troll post, including header, to:

    Make mention that he's already had several other accounts banned,
    seven within the last 72 hours, and is "'nymshifting" when he posts
    from this new account.

    Peace should return soon.
    DeserTBoB, Aug 31, 2006
  18. be forewarned. This same guy posted the names of my sisters, brother,
    mother, even my local parish priest, with dirty sexual innuendo. They
    also called my mother, age 71, and told her I was hit in a car
    accident, and in the hospital.
    Why are you so lax with personal information, that this person
    purportedly was able to contact the persons U described?
    Knifeblade_03, Aug 31, 2006
  19. duty-honor-country

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    So now you're going to harass
    Who fucking cares?
    Will it resemble anything like you're doing now?
    I don't have any sisters.
    My brothers are all big enough to fend for themselves.
    My mother is dead.
    Well, I probably wouldn't feel like a whiney pissant like you.
    aarcuda69062, Aug 31, 2006
  20. first off, you totally missed the crank/cam sensor in the other thread-
    until I posted it

    secondly- if you don't care, then why should I ??
    duty-honor-country, Aug 31, 2006
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