Bad Smell Coming from Air Vents

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Albert Roth, Oct 27, 2003.

  1. Albert Roth

    Albert Roth Guest

    I have a 95 Concorde with automatic climate control. Recently, I started
    getting a bad smell coming in through the air vents. Does anyone have any
    idea what this can be and what to do?
    Albert Roth, Oct 27, 2003
  2. Albert Roth

    73blazer Guest

    What kind of smell? Is it sweet? With AC or Hear or Just vent on?
    If it's sweet with the heater on, it's the heater core. Is your
    anti-freeze low?

    73blazer, Oct 27, 2003
  3. Albert Roth

    Albert Roth Guest

    The smell is not sweet. I have the climate control set on automatic with
    the temperature set for 72. My wife says the smell is something like horse
    manure. It seems to be coming out of the air vents on and under the dash.
    Albert Roth, Oct 28, 2003
  4. | What kind of smell? Is it sweet? With AC or Hear or Just vent on?
    | If it's sweet with the heater on, it's the heater core. Is your
    | anti-freeze low?

    And if it smells like BO in all modes it could be blocked condensate drains
    and mold/mildew has begun to grow in the moisture.
    James C. Reeves, Oct 28, 2003
  5. Albert Roth

    Jen Guest

    Rooting Out the Cause of Manure Smell.
    (real audio link))
    Jen, Oct 28, 2003
  6. Check your muffler. I once somehow had a plastic bag get stuck to my
    muffler and the heat melted the bag and what ever was in it.

    Smelled awful, just as you described. Had to get under and scrape off
    the stuff. Took a long time for smell to disappear.

    Bruce Swinden, Oct 28, 2003
  7. Albert Roth

    Jeff Guest

    I get the BO smell after using the AC for short trips. Then the smell will
    be in all modes for a short time. How can I check/flush the condensate

    Jeff, Oct 29, 2003
  8. Albert Roth


    Don't use your A/C on recirculate except for short cool-down periods. That
    encourages mold growing there in the moissture that accumulates.

    Got wood?
    Check out my exotic hardwood pennywhistles at fair
    BREWERPAUL, Oct 29, 2003
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