Automation is no match for stupidity

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Percival P. Cassidy, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. My '02 300M's EVIC was telling me that my left rear tire pressure was
    down to 26psi, so I inflated it to 33 (measured with a digital tire
    gauge). Still didn't make the EVIC display happy. Decided that "one of
    these days" I guess I'll have to retrain the thing. Then a week or so
    later it occurred to me that I might not have retrained it after I
    swapped a couple of tires around -- and, sure enough: after retraining,
    it showed me that it was really the right front tire that was down to 26psi.

    Percival P. Cassidy, Jan 7, 2011
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