Auto door lock stopped working

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Siggy, Jan 1, 2005.

  1. Siggy

    Siggy Guest

    I have a 1998 Voyager with electric door locks. This car has a safety
    feature that causes all doors to lock automatically when the speed goes
    above 7 mph. This feature has stopped working for some reason. The
    electric locks still work fine when manually activated.

    Is there a computer setting that activates/deactivates this feature that I
    might have accidentally changed while punching buttons on the AC console?
    Any ideas on how to go about correcting this? Thanks.

    Siggy, Jan 1, 2005
  2. I did a brief search and couldn't find anything specific to the
    Voyager, but I found this on the Intrepid, and it may work in your
    case; it's worth a try, in any case:

    In the 2000 you get in the car and have all the doors unlocked. Put
    the key in the ignition and turn the car to the on position then back
    to the off position 4 times. Then depress the lock button on the
    drivers side. You should hear a chime indicating that the command was

    Does that help?
    Garner Miller, Jan 1, 2005
  3. Siggy

    Siggy Guest


    Thanks for the tip - it worked like a champ. It would sure be nice if these
    things were documented somewhere in official documentation that owners could
    get hold of. This is the third time odd things like this have happened to
    me and this vehicle where the solution was some odd combination of console
    settings, button presses, etc. Thanks again.

    Siggy, Jan 2, 2005
  4. Glad it worked. I know SOME of those things are documented in my PT
    Cruiser's manual -- things like disabling the horn chirp when the doors
    lock and the alarm arms. I don't have it handy right now to see if
    they've finally put the auto door lock thing in the book, too. Thank
    goodness for the internet. :)

    Glad you're back in business.
    Garner Miller, Jan 2, 2005
  5. Siggy

    RPhillips47 Guest

    Chrysler must haved saved expenses on printing by deleting that information
    from the owners manual in 1998 - or maybe they only included it in Town &
    Country owners manuals. I have a '96 T&C LXi and the procedure is explained
    (along with diagram) on pages 16 & 17 under "Power Door Locks" in the section
    "Things to Know Before Starting Your Vehicle". Maybe they felt it was no longer
    necessary to document it "somewhere in official documentation that owners could
    get hold of" since they had already done that when the new design was
    introduced in 1996!!!!!
    RPhillips47, Jan 5, 2005
  6. Siggy

    shacky Guest

    I have a 96 Dodge Caravan and those auto locks drive me nuts. Is there
    a similar way to turn them off?
    shacky, Jan 9, 2005
  7. The procedure previously given is a "toggle". Follow it to turn them on if
    they're off, or off if they're on.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jan 9, 2005
  8. Siggy

    Hank Guest

    I'm going to try this on my 93 Voyager. Sometimes we can't even enter the van
    excepte thru the sliding door. When we turn the key in the lock, it feels like
    the servo motor is pressing right back against the effort. I'll see if there is
    a fuse or replay also.
    Hank, Jan 9, 2005
  9. Siggy

    RPhillips47 Guest

    I have a '96 Chrysler T&C LXi with the same feature. Instructions for doing
    this are detailed in the manual, pages 16 & 17. I am sure it is printed in your
    Dodge manual also.
    RPhillips47, Jan 10, 2005
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