Auto-dimming mirror questions

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by kilton9, May 30, 2005.

  1. kilton9

    kilton9 Guest


    I just replaced my '01 Stratus with an '05. The '01 had an
    auto-dimming rear-view mirror that dimmed whenever it was dark outside.
    This was nice. The new one however has a different mirror (either a
    Gentex or a Gentex-clone, as it doesn't say Gentex on it anywhere but
    looks 95% like their 50-GENK60 mirror) that doesn't seem to dim unless
    it's dark outside *and* it detects headlights coming from behind. I
    guess this sounds good in theory but 1) it takes a few seconds to react
    (too long) to headlights, 2) the headlights have to hit at the right
    angle, and 3) it only detects headlights that are within ~15 car
    lengths of me.

    I'm not at all an electronics guy... But this thing has a sensor on the
    front and one on the back, and they appear to be in an "AND"
    configuration. Does anyone know of a way to rig this thing so that it
    dims when its dark outside (i.e., when there's low light hitting the
    front-facing sensor) regardless of whether or not there's light hitting
    rear-facing sensor?

    kilton9, May 30, 2005
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