Attention Hightide610 and Josh S...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bill Putney, May 27, 2009.

  1. Bill Putney

    Bill Putney Guest

    You might consider posting to (that first character is
    the letter "L") forums and put "TorontopFireCaptain" (or abbreviate it
    "TFC" somewhere in your thread title - Ross (TorontoFireCaptain) is
    undisputedly considered *THE* wizard when it comes to these LH cars as
    far as troubleshooting and interpreting symptoms and DRBIII scan tool
    readings, etc. You'll want to post in the "Second Generation
    Forums"/"2nd Gen Car Talk" forum.

    Also, both of you would be welcomed at the 300M enthusiast Club and its

    Lots of good information and camaraderie at both places, as well as at (many of the same people hang out at all three
    Bill Putney, May 27, 2009
  2. Bill Putney

    Bill Putney Guest

    Oops - Hightide610 - I forgot that you already found and posted on the
    300M Club forums last night.

    Hey Hightide610 - you stated that a mechanic told you that the engine in
    fact *will* run with no cam position sensor but a good crank position
    sensor. Just curious - was that mechanic on one of the forums, or
    someone you spoke to in person?

    If that's the case, then it must time off of no. 1 piston and
    interpolate the position of the others based on rpm's.
    Bill Putney, May 27, 2009
  3. Bill Putney

    Josh S Guest

    Thanks Bill, I'll have a look.
    Josh S, Jul 12, 2009
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