ASD relay ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Randy Pape, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. Randy Pape

    Randy Pape Guest

    On my 98 Dodge Stratus, I am not getting voltage back to the fuel pump plug,
    from the power distribution center. When I checked both the fuel pump
    relay, and ASD relay, they both checked out fine. When I checked for
    voltage at pin 30, inside the PDC box, for the ASD relay, I got 12 volts.
    Then at pin 86, for the same relay, I got 12 volts with the key off and I am
    only suppose to get the voltage at that pin when the key is turned on. Is
    this telling the PCM to turn off the fuel pump and ignition? The car is in a
    no start situation. I am getting spark with my spark tester, but the fuel
    pump isn't turning on, so this seems like a fuel issue to me now. I can't
    find anywhere where it talks about having voltage at that ASD when the key
    is not turned on. Any ideas?

    Randy Pape, Jan 29, 2008
  2. Randy Pape

    maxpower Guest

    Keep in mind you only have about 3 sec's of battery voltage at the fuel pump
    when the key is turned on. Are you testing this while someone turns the key
    on for you while you are at the connector?

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Jan 29, 2008
  3. Randy Pape

    Randy Pape Guest

    yes i had a friend turn the key on while i had my fluke meter set to dc to
    measure the voltage. it read OL on my meter,which seems strange to me?
    Randy Pape, Jan 29, 2008
  4. Randy Pape

    holycow Guest

    I had the same problem on my 98 Sebring with 2.5. Ended up being the ecu
    that was fried.
    holycow, Jan 30, 2008
  5. Randy Pape

    bllsht Guest

    The ASD relay supplies battery voltage to the ignition coil. If you
    have spark, it's working. You need to be looking at the fuel
    pump/relay/wiring if the fuel pump's not working.
    bllsht, Jan 30, 2008
  6. Randy Pape

    damnnickname Guest

    Have you checked fault codes before poking around and disconnecting
    components? have you sprayed a combustion liquid such as throttle body
    cleaner into the throttle body to see if it starts and shuts back down?
    Like bllsht said,If you have spark, the ASD is working, check fuel pump
    relay. Pin 87 12 volts with key on. Pin 30/35 12 volts all the time.Pin 85
    fuel pump control circuit If you ground the fuel control circuit with the
    key on and relay connected the pump should kick on, or jump 30/35 with 87
    relay out the fuel pump should kick on.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    damnnickname, Jan 30, 2008
  7. Randy Pape

    Randy Pape Guest

    Glenn , as you may recall this car has been my nightmare since November.
    there is now none or has there ever been any codes with this car . i checked
    both relays like you said with power on them, jumpered from the battery and
    a ground. then without power on them, checking continuity etc. both relays
    checked out fine to me according to my repair manual. i wonder if the PDC
    block isn't making a good connection ? my boss said to do the same thing as
    you did , grounding out pin 85 ,so I'll try that. i read where the ASD
    controls fuel to the injectors and power to the coil etc. is this correct?
    have you sprayed a combustion liquid such as throttle body
    thanks Randy
    Randy Pape, Jan 30, 2008
  8. Randy Pape

    Randy Pape Guest

    well I've realized that the ASD is fine and the fuel relay/circuit is the
    issue. it seems that when I check pin86 of the fuel pump relay with the key
    on, I get no voltage there. I then went and checked #10 fuse for the coil of
    the relay inside the PDC and sometimes I would get the voltage there and
    sometimes not. I also noticed when I turned the key on that sometimes all
    the lights would come on, on the dash, and sometimes not. could this still
    be the PCM? I tried jumping the relay ,per glenns instructions, and the pump
    still didn't come on. I also tried to ground pin #85 to no avail. any more
    ideas? thanks
    Randy Pape, Feb 1, 2008
  9. Randy Pape

    maxpower Guest

    Dumb question here. Did you check all the fuses in the PDC, there are 2
    fuses that control the fuel pump relay circuit.# 10 and #8. This is such an
    easy circuit and I cant believe you haven't fixed this problem yet.You
    mention nothing about spraying throttle body cleaner into the intake to see
    if it starts?? You are either not checking the correct wire at the fuel pump
    or you have something else wrong with the vehicle. when ever you get around
    to spraying the throttle body with throttle body cleaner to verify it is a
    fuel problem let me know
    maxpower, Feb 1, 2008
  10. Randy Pape

    maxpower Guest

    Dumb question here. Did you check all the fuses in the PDC, there are 2
    fuses that control the fuel pump relay circuit.# 10 and #8. This is such an
    easy circuit and I cant believe you haven't fixed this problem yet.You
    mention nothing about spraying throttle body cleaner into the intake to see
    if it starts?? You are either not checking the correct wire at the fuel pump
    or you have something else wrong with the vehicle. when ever you get around
    to spraying the throttle body with throttle body cleaner to verify it is a
    fuel problem let me know
    Is #8 fuse blown?
    maxpower, Feb 1, 2008
  11. Randy Pape

    Randy Pape Guest

    no. i don't see the sense in spraying anything in the throttle body if i'm
    not getting voltage to the fuel pump. both fuses # 8 & # 10 are ok. i'm in
    school for industrial electrician so reading the wiring diagram, testing the
    relay's etc. are of no problem to me. i agree this should be very simple to
    trace. if no voltage at relay pin 86 in the pdc, then go to the fuses. well
    the fuses are good, now what? i pulled the fuses out and checked for voltage
    where they go and got voltage where the 20 amp fuse goes, but only sometimes
    where the 10 amp one goes,this is with the key turned on it's like it's
    sporadic. as far as the fuel pump plug goes, i'm testing the dark
    green/white and the black wire on the plug, this is according to the wiring
    i'm beginning to think there's some intermittent problem with the pcm .

    Randy Pape, Feb 1, 2008
  12. Randy Pape

    maxpower Guest


    The 10 amp is from Ign switch. If you suspect that bad why not supply 12 to
    the fuse thru a jumper wire to see if this works, If it does, back track to
    the switch. The 12 volts on that fuse has nothing to do with the PCM. The
    only thing the PCM does in this circuit is groud the fuel pump relay control
    circuit so that the fuel pump relay stays engergized. Thats why I said
    ground the control side of the realy to see if it starts. you said it didnt
    work so now we can say it isnt the PCM. And it seemed to me that you did all
    tests for the fuel pump circuit and all check good...thats why I said spray
    something into the throttle body to see if the vehicle starts
    maxpower, Feb 2, 2008
  13. Randy Pape

    Randy Pape Guest

    in my wiring diagram for this fuse it shows a dark blue/white wire going to
    the fuse and to the pcm and says it is a( fused ign switch out ) when they
    show those fuses in the pdc ,they show where one side of each fuse where
    they go, what about the other side of them. am I missing something? thanks
    Randy Pape, Feb 2, 2008
  14. Randy Pape

    maxpower Guest

    The 10 amp is from Ign switch. If you suspect that bad why not supply 12 to
    the fuse thru a jumper wire to see if this works, If it does, back track to
    the switch. The 12 volts on that fuse has nothing to do with the PCM. The
    only thing the PCM does in this circuit is ground the fuel pump relay
    circuit so that the fuel pump relay stays energized. That's why I said
    ground the control side of the relay to see if it starts. you said it didn't
    work so now we can say it isn't the PCM. And it seemed to me that you did
    tests for the fuel pump circuit and all check good...that's why I said spray
    something into the throttle body to see if the vehicle starts
    maxpower, Feb 2, 2008
  15. Randy Pape

    maxpower Guest

    Yes it is a darkblue/white wire coming from the fused igniton switch, this
    wire goes to fuel pump relay. In order to make this relay work it has to
    have a ground. The ground would be the brown with a light green wire going
    from relay to PCM. As I said, if this wire was not grounding out internally
    inside the PCM then yes the PCM would be bad. BUT!!! since you said you
    grounded the fuel pump relay control wire long ago and the pump did not turn
    on that tells me that it is not a PCM problem because you manually grounded
    it. Therefore as I stated you either have something else wrong with this
    vehicle and It is not fuel related ( and you wont verify this by spraying
    something into the throttle body to see if it starts) or you arent doing
    something right with the tests. I tried, Good luck
    maxpower, Feb 2, 2008
  16. Randy Pape

    maxpower Guest

    To: "maxpower" <>
    Subject: Re: ASD relay ?
    Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2008 11:34:45 -0600

    Glenn , everything I see in my repair book and online in
    the fuel pump plug should be 4 pin, 2 for the pump and 2 for the fuel
    sensor. I 'm sure i have the right plug,it goes through trunk down to
    pump and this one has 8 pins in it ? any thoughts?Yes I do have a thought,
    first, Dont confuse this issue by sending me post to emailSecond, if you
    have been testing an 8 way connector you are using the wrong connectorAs I
    said ealier you are doing something wrong because this is a very easy test.
    You areTesting the wrong connector. IT IS A 4 WAY CONNECTOR!!! located
    behind the rear seat and goes thru the floor that way.Before I reply to
    another post you tell me "Glenn I sprayed some throttle body cleaner into
    the throttle body and it started or itdidnt start"
    maxpower, Feb 3, 2008
  17. Randy Pape

    Randy Pape Guest

    just to let you know , it IS an 8 pin connector that goes down through the
    floor to the fuel pump area, and when i applied 12 volts to the pin i
    thought was for the fuel pump,by identifying the wire colors in the wiring
    diagram, the fuel pump ran. i found i have a broken piece inside the key
    lock cylinder for actuating the different ignition switch positions and i
    will fix this next.
    Randy Pape, Feb 8, 2008
  18. Randy Pape

    maxpower Guest

    Ok, I don't have the first thread you started on this vehicle. If you get a
    chance get me the last 8 digits of the vin#. This key problem you are
    having, were you experiencing this from day one when you first posted in I
    think November?
    The key cylinder is sold as a complete assembly. The part sells from 40$ to
    125$ depending on part number.

    maxpower, Feb 8, 2008
  19. Hi!
    It sounds like your meter was trying to autorange and could not do so in
    time. Try setting it for a DC volts scale that is within the voltages you
    are looking for instead of letting it automatically determine what scale to

    William R. Walsh, Feb 16, 2008
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