Anyone going to MoPar Fest (Kitchener/Waterloo) Aug 21/22?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by MoPar Man, Aug 14, 2010.

  1. MoPar Man

    MoPar Man Guest

    Anyone here going to MoParfest this year?

    If you live in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York or Ontario then
    you're a true MoPar Man *only* if you go to MoParFest.

    I'll be there on Sunday.
    MoPar Man, Aug 14, 2010
  2. MoPar Man

    MoPar Man Guest

    Ok, so there are no real MoPar men here.
    MoPar Man, Aug 18, 2010
  3. MoPar Man

    DAS Guest

    NGs are dying...

    Far less participation also in my other automotive groups... Microsoft has
    pulled its Help NGs off its servers, having moved everything to web-based

    DAS, Aug 18, 2010
  4. MoPar Man

    MoPar Man Guest

    DAS top-poasted:
    I would have thought that the older crowd that followed the 60's and
    70's MoPar's would still be here. I guess not.
    Most of the Microsoft groups are still on usenet. Some people think
    that because Microsoft pulled the plug on it's NNTP server, that it
    means those groups *must* disappear from usenet. That is not correct...
    MoPar Man, Aug 19, 2010
  5. MoPar Man

    DAS Guest

    What is more important is that the MVPs have largely pushed off as well.
    Participation in the one MS NG I follow has fallen off a cliff.

    My ISP ditched its NG service end of July without warning. Reconnecting via
    Eternal September was no big deal but it is just symptomatic of the trend.

    DAS, Aug 19, 2010
  6. MoPar Man

    Crappy Win Guest

    You're likely seeing the downfall of M$.
    Don't blink, M$ may vanish totally in a few years.
    Crappy Win, Aug 21, 2010
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