An Uncanny Coincidence?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by NoName, Dec 12, 2004.

  1. NoName

    NoName Guest

    Just recently had some repair work done on a 2000 Chrysler T&C minivan - 70K
    The oil pick-up tube was clogged with "debris", the shop guy hesitated to
    say WHAT it was.
    I have changed the oil every 3000 miles up to 50K miles and since then, I
    have let it go to 4,000 miles maybe twice, and 4,500 once, using Castrol GTX
    and always changing the oil filter.

    After getting the vehicle back, my wife drove through some standing water
    about five blocks from our house and immediately lost power steering
    capability and the temperature gauge was overheated when she pulled into the
    Well, of course the serpentine belt came off the pulleys.

    Can anyone tell me WHY and HOW such debris build up could happen, and does
    the serpentine belt need to be removed/loosened to remove the oil pan and
    reinstall it?

    Thanks for any info.
    NoName, Dec 12, 2004
  2. NoName

    maxpower Guest

    I would guess this is the 3.3 engine, and no the belt does not have to be
    removed to have the pan removed, pull on the tensioner and make sure it
    springs back, if not replace it, also check for proper alignment
    maxpower, Dec 12, 2004
  3. NoName

    peter denyer Guest

    I don't think any repair work had anything to do with the serpentine
    belt coming off - I think, based on my own experience, that any
    appreciable amount of water that gets splashed up into the engine
    compartment can cause the belt to come off - had it happen to my 1995
    T&C under the same circumstance as you mention. Hit a large area of
    standing water in the dark during a particularly heavy rainstorm and off
    came the belt - glad to have been only a few blocks from home!

    Service manager at the local Chrysler dealer said that "well, thats a
    known problem if you get too much snow up into the engine compartment
    and there is a retro kit that supposed to protect the idler pulley (?)
    from getting snow/ water over it and prevent the belt from throwing
    off". Don't know if he was shining me on - 'cause I asked him to get
    this kit, but nothing ever happened.

    peter denyer, Dec 12, 2004
  4. NoName

    maxpower Guest

    NO: 07-02-94
    SUBJECT: Serpentine Drive Belt Comes Off Pulleys
    DATE: Dec. 23, 1994


    If the vehicle is driven through deep or drifted snow the serpentine drive
    belt may be forced off of its pulleys by snow coming in between the belt and
    the pulleys.

    Determine the road conditions the driver of the vehicle was encountering at
    the time the serpentine belt came off. Verify all of the pulleys are in
    proper alignment and pulleys and accessories are properly attached. If the
    driver of the vehicle indicates deep or drifted snow may have been a factor
    in the serpentine belt coming off its pulleys and any pulley mis-alignment
    and/or accessory/pulley attachment problem has been corrected, perform the
    following repair procedure.

    Part No.






    Belt, Serpentine 1991 - 1992 With A/C


    Belt, Serpentine 1993 - 1995 With A/C


    Belt, Serpentine 1991 - 1995 Without A/C
    maxpower, Dec 12, 2004
  5. think back. every time you get work done there, does
    something else break or fail right away? happened to me
    at a local midas. i stopped going even tho i have free
    lifetime oil changes cause every time i went, i would
    have a surpentine belt problem. i think he was squirting
    some oil onto it. on purpose.
    frank-in-toronto, Dec 12, 2004
  6. NoName

    ytertwr Guest

    I'm really tired of the "up-sell" every time I go to one of these car

    Seems like Jiffy lube is really in the air filter business and Midas
    is really in the fan belt business. None of 'em will just do what
    you came in for and send you on your way. The worst, by far, in my
    experience is Firestone who tell you about your brakes when you came
    in to see about the air conditioner. Firestone? Never again.
    ytertwr, Dec 12, 2004
  7. NoName

    NoName Guest

    heh heh, there IS no tension, the belt is completely off the pulleys.
    I probably could do the replacement, but I *think* I will have the car towed
    to a shop and have a new belt put on. Saves MY knuckles and keeps my kids
    from hearing so many bad words. I did see enough of the old belt that it
    has some 'checking' or cracking.

    I am still puzzled at the hard black (carbon?) buildup in the bottom and
    sides of the oil pan AND the almost complete blocking of the pickup tube.
    Its almost to the point of either needing to change oil every THOUSAND miles
    or go with the 7,500 "allowance" and expect a failure.
    NoName, Dec 12, 2004
  8. NoName

    NoName Guest

    That's one of the reasons I go there, they don't have a history of
    unnecessary "other" work and haven't had other problems after a shop visit
    before. Its just that maybe that belt was destined to not make it to
    70,000 miles. who knows..
    Course, I DO guess they may have had their greasy fingers/spilled lube on
    the belt while removing/reinstalling the oilpan
    NoName, Dec 12, 2004
  9. NoName

    NoName Guest

    everyone tires easily from their "upsales". just do what I ask, and nothing
    the shop I went to isn't a "chain" and the guy has been fair in the past,
    numerous times..

    I don't know about firestone, haven't ever used them, but the first thing i
    would do if a "salesperson" ever told me tires/brakes were unsafe, is to
    drive away and get a second opinion IF there were any validity to the
    persons "fear mongering". Otherwise, just drive home!
    NoName, Dec 12, 2004
  10. NoName

    maxpower Guest

    And if they would have not seen it you would have complained that your car
    was just in the shop and they should have told you about your brakes/belt
    maxpower, Dec 13, 2004
  11. NoName

    Joe Guest

    On the 3.3, the idler doesn't last. As the bearing wears, it'll tilt and
    throw the belt. So it may be only because of the water, or it may just be
    your time. Maybe your luck will be better than mine.

    If not, the bearing for the idler only cost me a few bucks, and it's easy to
    replace. But it may cost a million at the dealer.
    Joe, Dec 13, 2004
  12. NoName

    Guest Guest

    What kind of crappy oil are you using? I suspect it is NOT one of the
    top brands.
    Guest, Dec 14, 2004
  13. NoName

    Guest Guest

    70,000 miles is significantly longer than "average" life for a
    serpentine belt.
    Should be replaced every 50,000 or 5 years, which ever comes first.
    Guest, Dec 14, 2004
  14. NoName

    maxpower Guest

    the belt doesnt have to be on it to be able to move the tensioner, all you
    have to do is push on it, it should go down with a force and back up with no
    problems, if you have someone put this belt on that isnt familiar with it,
    you may be right back on the tow truck if the tensioner is bad
    maxpower, Dec 14, 2004
  15. NoName

    NoName Guest

    I have been using that cheapo Castrol GTX 10-30 or 10-40 for about 25
    NoName, Dec 15, 2004
  16. NoName

    NoName Guest

    Evidently, it lasted almost 70,000, and it has been 5 years last month.
    NoName, Dec 15, 2004
  17. NoName

    NoName Guest

    Maxpower, yes the tensioner needed to be "replaced".
    However, I didn't fiddle with it personally, i am trusting the shop to be
    fair. I HOPE!!!

    So now they are telling me I really SHOULD tune up now too, though the
    "manual" says it should be done at 100,000 miles.
    Something to consider sooner rather than later.
    NoName, Dec 15, 2004
  18. NoName

    mic canic Guest

    there is a tsb for water getting on the belt and it flinging off but that
    involves replaacing the hvac drain but inspect the wiper cowl drain to see if
    it fell off on the right side above the belt
    mic canic, Dec 15, 2004
  19. NoName

    Guest Guest

    Well, I've never had problems with GTX, particularly when changed
    regularly. Hard black carbon - you certain there has never been
    glycol in the crankcase?
    Guest, Dec 15, 2004
  20. NoName

    NoName Guest

    No, I am NOT certain, in fact, that is a strange anomoly that sometimes that
    car "uses" some antifreeze, but it isn't consistent.
    some weeks no change in coolant level, then all of a sudden, i need to add a
    quart or two of 50% mix.
    but no "white smoke"/steam goes out the exhaust and its NOT steady, coolant
    level will be steady, then one week, down a little to a lot, then back to no
    change for awhile. could be the antifreeze getting into the oil?? hmmm...
    NoName, Dec 15, 2004
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