
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steve, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. Steve

    Steve Guest

    Can I buy a Chrysler if I wish to buy American ?

    Historically, Chrysler was American until the buyout in 1999. I know they
    have many factories and workers here, but Toyota does too. So what gives ?

    I could buy a Toyota Sienna with 85% US content, or a German owned Dodge
    built here, or a Mexican built Ford or and American assembled Hyundai.
    Steve, Oct 26, 2006
  2. Steve

    Joe Guest

    Maybe you could buy one assembled here. You have to decide whether Canada
    counts as "home" to you. I'm not sure where Chysler still builds stuff, but
    I guess Belvedere is making the new Caliber. The 300/LX stuff is made in
    Joe, Oct 26, 2006
  3. Steve

    Hans Muecke Guest

    Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2006 22:33 (US Central Time)
    Steve wrote in
    And to confuse you even more ... Chrysler was started by a man of german
    descent. The family name was "Kreissler" ... :)

    Talk to you later ... Hans from Germany (310 to go)
    Hans Muecke, Oct 26, 2006
  4. Steve

    Daniel Guest

    Yes, the majority of Chrysler cars are made in America. Although like you
    mentioned, Chrysler was "Taken Over", but in 1998, around the time when I
    retired. They are very much a German company, I can show you my dividend
    checks from the stock I have that have German taxes taken out.

    Although I am still a UAW member in retirement, here is a way of telling
    where a car was built. Buy what ever you want - it is YOUR money :) HEY
    you can even buy a Toyota truck that is built in California by UAW workers -
    joint venture - Toyota and GM)


    Support union jobs in the U.S. and Canada
    This guide is prepared by the UAW to provide information for consumers who
    want to purchase vehicles produced by workers who enjoy the benefits and
    protections of a union contract.

    All vehicles on this list are made in the United States or Canada by members
    of the United Auto Workers (UAW), Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) or the
    International Union of Electrical Workers-Communication Workers of America

    Because of the integration of U.S. and Canadian vehicle production, all
    vehicles on this list include significant UAW-made content and support the
    jobs of UAW members.

    However, those vehicles marked with an asterisk (*) are sourced from the
    United States and/or Canada and a third country. When purchasing one of
    these models, check the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN.) A VIN beginning
    with “1,” “4” or “5” identifies a U.S.-made vehicle; “2” identifies a
    Canadian-made vehicle. Not all vehicles made in the United States or Canada
    are made by union-represented workers. The Toyota Corolla, for example, is
    made in the United States by UAW members, but the Canadian model is made in
    a nonunion plant and other models are imported from a third country. To be
    sure you have a union-made vehicle, buy one of the vehicles on this list.

    Select a Union Made Vehicle

    Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) Vehicles

    International Union of Electrical Workers-Communication Workers of America
    (IUE-CWA) Vehicles

    United Auto Workers (UAW) Cars

    United Auto Workers (UAW) SUVs

    United Auto Workers (UAW) Trucks

    United Auto Workers (UAW) Vans
    Daniel, Oct 27, 2006
  5. And the Crossfire is made in Osnabrück.


    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, Oct 28, 2006
  6. Forget trying to buy "American"!

    In Britain buying Ford became buying British...

    Globalisation lives.


    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, Oct 28, 2006
  7. Steve

    who Guest

    Plus most Caravans.

    Canada, USA and Mexico are in a NAFTA agreement.
    The point of vehicle manufacture is basically the final assembly plant.

    My '95 Concord was assembled in Canada, my wife's '01 Sebring was
    assembled in the USA.
    Parts for these came from many countries, even outside NAFTA.
    who, Nov 1, 2006
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