Air Conditioner Question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Richard, May 9, 2006.

  1. Richard

    Richard Guest

    My 01 PT Cruiser has been very reliable. But now the air conditioner is not
    as cool as it should be. I have checked the pressure and it reads to
    specification, about 20lb. What else should I look for?

    Richard, May 9, 2006
  2. Richard

    Steve Guest

    Well, for one thing, you need to quantify how cool it really is. Get one
    of those inexpensive air vent thermometers and monitor how cold the air
    blows with the fan on high and on the "recirc" setting. It should be
    around 40 degrees F. after everything has a chance to stabilize. If it
    doesn't get that low, then maybe the blend doors are letting some air
    from the heater core mix into the cold air stream (maybe a PT owner can
    give you the procedure to check this onthat system). if that's OK, then
    you need to check the high-side pressure and condenser temperature and
    compare the results with a pressure/temperature table as found in the
    Factory Service Manual. Verify that the electric fans are running,
    verify that the compressor isn't short-cycling (indicating a possible
    clogged expansion valve). And so on. There's a lot more to it than just
    the low-side pressure.
    Steve, May 9, 2006
  3. Richard

    maxpower Guest

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    Richard, you need to have someone look at it that knows what they are doing.
    You have to have a set of gauges connected to read high and low side
    pressures. 20lb means nothing.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, May 9, 2006
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