air bag injuries due to propellant chemicals

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by linda, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. linda

    linda Guest

    this is definitely a men's club and women are not welcome, are they????
    thanks for the joke... cruel as it was, after i got over the initial
    hurt, i found it funny and will send off to folks i know.. (i can be
    cruel too!!! :)
    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  2. linda

    linda Guest

    Bob, thanks for the welcome! and thanks for the advice..

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  3. linda

    linda Guest

    yes, Dori, there are at least two male posting police, but they are just
    going to have to get used to the fact that i am going to do whatever i
    feel like at the time..sometimes i obey, sometimes i don't.... typical
    of us females, huh????
    and men too...:)
    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  4. linda

    linda Guest

    take care of yourself Matt, let me do my research, and don't call me a
    liberal, i even prefer "typical stupid ****" over liberal anyday!...ok???
    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  5. linda

    linda Guest

    Ted, Ted, Ted.... what can i say...


    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  6. linda

    linda Guest

    you read this one, didn't you??

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  7. linda

    linda Guest

    Dan, my favorite safety device used to be lying in my mothers protective
    arms... i miss that...

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  8. linda

    linda Guest

    don't know a dang thing about daytime running lights, except my son
    installed some on my car without my knowledge and my approval... can i
    remove them or is it against the law???
    Abortion, i think it is the woman choice.. if man were to get pregnant
    it would not be a factor..... it would be a RIGHT...
    yes, lets do death penalty.. i got rear ended because some do-gooders
    against death penalty were protesting and they guy behind me was
    distracted by them and did not see me stop in front of him.. and my
    airbags did NOT deploy and he hit me very hard... did i sue him? no, but
    i am thinking of suing the protesters... :)
    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  9. linda

    linda Guest

    dont go religion on me,, i have my own religion as stated before..

    guns, don't like them.. got shot at with a .357 magnum by a soon to be
    ex husband and almost died.. dont' get me going on that one...

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  10. linda

    linda Guest

    Dan, i am new at doing MY OWN research instead of some government
    protocol or some pre-ordained scientist who has an idea that everything
    needs to be checked for toxicity.. i think the troll you smell is
    something else...
    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  11. Great 'n' groovy. Those wills are meaningless when blood relatives
    challenge them.
    The fact they can't get it means they're not treated equally.
    I agree with you; Bush does not.
    ....No, sorry, I'm afraid I can't comply; you force my hand. Good going,
    now this thread involves kitty porn:
    God apparently told Bill to tell you you're Wrong with an uppercase W.
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 5, 2004
  12. Properly implemented airbags don't save lives; they prevent and reduce the
    severity of injuries. Airbags calibrated to save lives actually save very
    few of them, and at great cost of increased injury and death risk to far
    greater numbers of people.
    Incorrect. Lap/shoulder belts that are actually buckled and properly
    adjusted do virtually the entire job.
    Those systems are dead last (literally) at the bottom of the
    lifesaving/injury-preventing ranked list of all front occupant restraint
    systems used in the last three decades. NHTSA deliberately traded
    effectiveness for presence. That is: They mandated less-effective safety
    equipment so that even those too foolish to use manual seatbelts would
    have some nominal protection -- AT THE GREAT EXPENSE of significantly
    reduced protection for those smart enough to use manual belts.
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 5, 2004
  13. Yeah...that was several posts AFTER the initial post in which I
    specifically nominated US-spec airbags vs. rest-of-world types.
    Stop being stupid and I'll stop directing vitriol at you.

    'Til then, I fart in your general direction.
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 5, 2004
  14. It's tragic that you're forced to read my posts against your will, Dori.
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 5, 2004
  15. You can remove them; it's not against the law to do so.
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 5, 2004
  16. linda

    linda Guest

    i am really sorry, i had no idea.. fortunately for them, their blood
    relatives love each of their partners...
    in some states, they can.. the fact that they have both been married to
    women before, neither want to get married, so this is not an issue.. i
    believe (just my own belief) is that anyone who wants to suffer the
    pangs of marriage, should be allowed that option.. fortunately for me, i
    am able to choose between getting married or not getting married.. wish
    you could have the same opps that i have.. .i can't change it.. but it
    is next on my list of "things to argue about over the newsgroups" if
    that will make you happy... :)

    Bush is wrong on a lot of things, but that still does not make him the
    better if lesser of two evil choices... i would rather have a man stand
    for something, right or wrong, than be a waffler.. what is that song?
    if you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything?

    i am not getting into kitty porn, i had enough porn on davids website..
    enough for me today... :-;
    No, i am not wrong... my luck has always been that the men i have more
    in common wtih and enjoy their company more are gay....

    Daniel, i am glad we can agree and disagree without harmful comments..
    thank you for being the gentleman you are....

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  17. linda

    linda Guest

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  18. linda

    linda Guest

    don't know how... maybe i can get my very ill son to tell me how to ....

    maybe i could find an internet sight?
    or pay someone to take them off?


    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  19. linda

    linda Guest

    Daniel, if you weren't gay, i would definitely make a move on you due to
    your wicked sense of humor!!!!

    just joking bout making move on you... God this statement is going to
    get me at least ten different emails bashing me...

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  20. Linda: Note that I've changed the subject line to reflect accurately the
    content of the message. This is considered good etiquette.

    How to take them off depends on how your son installed them. There are
    many ways to do so. It would help if you got your son to tell you exactly
    what he did/bought/installed/changed, so that you can take the car to your
    regular service place, give them that information and say "Undo it,
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 5, 2004
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