air bag injuries due to propellant chemicals

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by linda, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. linda

    linda Guest

    i don't rank up there with God or Bush...

    and i normally don't capitalize anything.. i learned in sunday school
    that God and any reference to Him was capitalized...

    linda (i)
    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  2. Lookit that, Bill Putney is God's mouthpiece!

    But of course, God only hates the "sin" if the "sin" involves acting in
    accordance with how God wired me up and loving another of the same gender.
    If the "sin" (i.e., "abomination before the LORD") is wearing garments of
    mixed fiber content, or a widower remarrying, or eating shellfish, or any
    of the many other "abominations before the LORD" mentioned in The Bible,
    those get a free pass from God -- just ask Bill.

    It's really sad that for all our talk of how evolved we are, so many human
    beings still choose not to use the brain God gave them, deferring instead
    to what they're told God wants them to do. God doesn't love boys who still
    have their whole penis. God cries if you eat a ham-and-cheese sandwich.
    God wants morally-clean Americans to pass laws against icky women (100
    years ago) icky brown people (50 years ago) icky gay people (today) --
    says so right in The Bible. God wants Palestinians to blow themselves up
    and kill people. God wants Israel to build settlements. On and on and on
    and on, round and round and round we go.

    I don't know for sure any more than you do, Bill, but I suspect when you
    go to meet our maker, you're going to find out that you'd got it wrong.
    Any kind of love is just fine, I suspect you'll be told; it's the hatred
    you gotta avoid.
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 5, 2004
  3. linda

    linda Guest

    I think i replied to this, my thesaurus (you know, that big prehistoric
    dinosaur :) ) says that predilection is a predisposition. and i was
    always taught that predisposition was HARD WIRED... Daniel, please
    forgive if i misused the word.. i know that you and my friends did not
    have a choice... as i said before, who wakes up one morning and decides
    he wants to live a lifestyle that many ignorant people find wrong and
    will hurt them due to their "hard wired" orientation....

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  4. linda

    linda Guest

    Actually, in my years of toxicology research, i was told that DHMO is
    toxic in large enough quantities...

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  5. linda

    linda Guest

    yes, Joe.. i am a lawyer... big time one too... :)
    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  6. linda

    linda Guest

    AMEN, Daniel.. i just cannot accept a God who would not let my best
    friends into His arms.. my God does not work that way...

    thanks you for putting my well intentioned thoughts into actual coherent
    words.... God Bless you and your partner.. i wish you and him happiness
    in all you do ....
    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  7. linda

    Dan Gates Guest

    My God Daniel!! No one will ever respond to one of your posts again!
    It may "TURN" us too, with your wicked ways. Just corresponding will
    make us make irrational choices! |>)))))))

    This has been good amusement though.

    I still think that properly implemented air-bag system, just like
    properly implemented DRLs, save lives. No question that a lap/shoulder
    belt that is actually buckled and adjusted does the first part of the job.

    My favourite "safety" devices were the "passive" belt systems that GM
    and Ford used. The belts attached to the door for GM that got in the
    way every time you tried to get into or out of the car, but still had
    the standard buckle system so that you could override it if you didn't
    want to wear them. And the Ford motorized shoulder belt that still
    required you to reach down and buckle the lap belt or decapitate yourself!


    Dan Gates, Nov 5, 2004
  8. linda

    linda Guest

    Matthew, i am sorry, i got so into getting off the subject i actually
    came to learn about.. .can you email me about your experience? i am
    just researching, i am not litigating anything.. i just want to know...
    i care.. believe it or not... i have been accused of being, well you
    read david's emails... i may be a newbie in all senses of the word and
    the worlds cruelties, but i am not uncaring like some i have seen and i
    am not blind and do not believe everything i have been told...

    if you don't want to share your experience with me in more detail, i
    understand.. you are always free to email me directly at home...

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  9. linda

    linda Guest

    i really don't understand your comment, please explain in little words
    so that i can understand.....

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  10. linda

    linda Guest

    thank you Dori for the tip... i am new here, and want to learn... your
    help is appreciated...

    lwatkins at midsouth {dot} rr {com}
    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  11. linda

    linda Guest

    Daviid, i have a question.. if air bags are not dangerous, why are so
    many people taking "them out of the fucking car"?


    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  12. Where. You said I was in a location with ECE etc air bags etc. The rest of
    it was vitriolic. No need for that. Don't bother telling me again that you
    treat all stupid posts the same, that it's not personal etc.

    Dori A Schmetterling, Nov 5, 2004
  13. linda

    linda Guest

    Deadbeat Dave, i don't believe i saw your name on my ballot when i went
    to vote...i am sure George would listen to you if you had real info..
    why not email him yourself..
    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  14. I did not think you had this much of a problem to have to rant OT like this
    on religious matters. At the very least you might like to follow the advice
    of first getting the facts, but I think that further discussion is totally
    irrelevant to this NG.

    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling

    Dori A Schmetterling, Nov 5, 2004
  15. linda

    linda Guest

    matthew, thank you for giving me some real info ....
    p.s. it is in the HOLY SHIT range, but not many people read their MSDS'....

    thanks again..

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  16. linda

    Dan Gates Guest

    But you said you were "new at this research thing", didn't you?????

    What is under that bridge?

    Me thinks I smell a troll.

    Dan Gates, Nov 5, 2004
  17. linda

    linda Guest

    Mic, you are so fortunate.. unfortunately, others aren't as fortunate as
    you... i am glad your life was saved.. if not i would not have had the
    opportunity to discuss and cuss this issue with you and others...

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  18. linda

    linda Guest

    Matt, i think what you are talking about is more in David's (deadbeat)
    area of concern.. might want to talk to him...

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  19. linda

    linda Guest

    Dori, i have called the police... especially when i see mother
    holding her child while driving or a dad with his 5 of his under 6 years
    of age kids in the front seat of his pick up truck...

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
  20. linda

    linda Guest

    Bill, this was kind of cruel... but i appreciate the humor and have
    found it on line and will share it with my scientific friends and see if
    they fall for it "hook line and sinker" like i did....

    but having worked in toxicology for 30 years, i found out that water
    (DHMO) is actually toxic, everything is toxic... EVERYTHING! it is just
    a matter of the amount... i have a friend who died from DMHO
    toxicity...... yep, she drowned... real sad.. good friend, hated to lose

    linda, Nov 5, 2004
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