air bag injuries due to propellant chemicals

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by linda, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. linda

    Ulf Guest

    No, it isn't. Not if you do it yourself.

    but i did
    Of course, I did not expect you to know that either.

    so i am hereby informing
    Ohh, please show this NG what you find, I can't wait...

    Ulf, Nov 3, 2004
  2. linda

    linda Guest

    Ulf, I have corrected myself in a message to deadbeat.. and there are
    rules concerning doing it yourself, if you ever want to resell your
    vehicle.. what does NG stand for? i may be newsgroup illiterate, but
    not to illiterate to deal with DeadBeat...

    linda, Nov 3, 2004
  3. linda

    linda Guest

    Ulf, I have corrected myself in a message to deadbeat.. and there are
    rules concerning doing it yourself, if you ever want to resell your
    vehicle.. what does NG stand for? i may be newsgroup illiterate, but
    not to illiterate to deal with DeadBeat...

    linda, Nov 3, 2004
  4. linda

    linda Guest

    Daniel, as usual, you are the voice of reason... i am a newby in this
    research (i am not suing anyone and have had no accidents where this was
    an issue and i am not related to anyone who has sued anyone for
    anything)... and i appreciate your knowledge and ability to set the
    record straight and to teach me.. that is why signed up for this
    newsgroup. not to spout off (which Deadbeat has made me do,
    unfortunately i do not suffer fools lightly) that which i was unsure of,
    but to learn from intelligent people like you who care too...

    thanks, Daniel...

    linda, Nov 3, 2004
  5. linda

    linda Guest

    Arif, i think i replied only to you.. let me know if i did this right
    this time....

    linda, Nov 3, 2004
  6. linda

    Arif Khokar Guest

    Just right click on the message you want to reply to. By convention,
    it's best to type your response below what you're responding to and to
    delete any quoted material that you're not responding to.
    Arif Khokar, Nov 3, 2004
  7. linda

    linda Guest

    linda, Nov 3, 2004
  8. You replied to Arif's post in both and
    Pretty close, except for the "type your response below what you're
    responding to" part.
    Garth Almgren, Nov 3, 2004
  9. linda

    deadbeat Guest

    You can do anything you want to your own car! But do not sell it to anyone
    afterwards. Canada allows people to de-activate their airbags. However no
    shops will do it for a customer. I worked for DaimlerChrysler and had all
    the Dealers for Dc sign a form that they would not participate in
    disconnecting an airbag. The customer have to do it themselves. Therefore
    shops will not de-activate. do it yourself! You can. It is not hard.

    And Linda, you keep saying you are just researching this now. But you have
    already condemned the airbags and the chemicals in them. They could switch
    to propane, It is a clean burning fuel, or better yet hydrogen. Then the
    only residue would be air and water. but the explosive force would have
    blown the whole car apart killing anyone within 50 feet! If you are just
    researching now, what the hell kind of researcher are you when you already
    condemend them! Duh! By the way, the plastics on the dashboards give of
    hazardous fumes also! And so does the fabric of the seats, and the foam in
    the seats. Also the electrical impulses from from the wiring on Volvo's also
    cause cancer, because of the magnetic pulses from the battery cables running
    under the seats to the batteries in the rear of the cars. And did you know
    that dashboards used to be steel? If they were still made of steel there
    would be no deadly chemicals leaching into the air from the dash. But, then
    again, in the old days you would suffer from lead poisoning from eating the
    paint on the dash after a collision. Also, did you now Radon gas is actually
    natural and seeping throught the ground into the basements of our homes and
    it kills! Damn the earth, we are all going to die from something!

    P.S. it's the internet, and newsgroups are for opinions. If your researching
    you should research all opinions. Not just the ones YOU want. You know, like
    the ones Bush wanted! To prove to his father by chasing Saddam out of power,
    by lying about weapons of mass destruction! Only cost Billions of dollars
    and untold amount of innocent lives of our troops. Just so George W can say
    " Dad, Are you proud of me know! I got rid of Saddam for you" But then again
    his research for Weapons of mass destruction, was the research he wanted to
    hear! Not what the rest of the entire free world had researched! THE ARE NO
    WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! By the way George W. if you are watching this
    newsgroup, Osama is in Afganistan! Do you need a new map to go get him?
    deadbeat, Nov 3, 2004
  10. linda

    Matt Whiting Guest

    So you'd rather have their faces smashed against the steering wheel,
    dash or windshield? You ambulance chasers are all alike.

    Matt Whiting, Nov 3, 2004
  11. linda

    Matt Whiting Guest

    And safer still with a five-point harness, a full-face helmet and Nomex
    suit. The reality is that many people don't use their seat belts and
    thus the air bag is what we get.

    Matt Whiting, Nov 3, 2004
  12. linda

    Bill Putney Guest

    We've now got two different claims in this discussion [(1) U.S. safety
    laws in general are substandard to the rest of the world but the U.S. is
    arrogant about it, and (2) Deployed air bags can cause respiratory
    problems due to the checicals that get released]. Is there any
    relationship between those two issues? IOW, does Europe use an entirely
    different air bag propellent that does zero harm? Or on that particular
    issue is wonderful Europe just as bad as the U.S. (I'm not talking
    about that the deployment energy used in Europe being less and therefore
    safer - that's a separate side issue - I'd like an answer on the
    propellent respiratory harm question).

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Nov 3, 2004
  13. linda

    High_Density Guest


    The old airbag thread again.....

    Next let us discuss the merits of Daytime Running Lights.

    After that lets start a thread on Abortion

    Then lets do the death penalty............
    High_Density, Nov 3, 2004
  14. linda

    Bill Putney Guest

    Have I got a cause for you! Take a look at It's
    all about an awful chemical called Dihydrogen Monoxide. Here's how bad
    it is: If you inhale it, it will kill you - and it doesn't have to be a
    large amount. Thousands of people die in the U.S. alone each year from
    this chemical that it turns out is just about everywhere you look in our
    society. Our lakes and streams are full of it. And guess what: It is
    used in the manufacture of styrofaom cups that we drink out of, and the
    styrofoam retains this chemical!! A city on California recently was
    considering a ban of styrofaom cups at city-sponsored events. You might
    check with your local officials to see if they could consider doing
    something like that too.

    From that web site, here are just a few facts associated with the
    problem chemical - this ought to whet your appetite:
    Death due to accidental inhalation of DHMO, even in small quantities.
    Prolonged exposure to solid DHMO causes severe tissue damage.
    Excessive ingestion produces a number of unpleasant though not
    typically life-threatening side-effects.
    DHMO is a major component of acid rain.
    Gaseous DHMO can cause severe burns.
    Contributes to soil erosion.
    Leads to corrosion and oxidation of many metals.
    Contamination of electrical systems often causes short-circuits.
    Exposure decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes.
    Found in biopsies of pre-cancerous tumors and lesions.
    Often associated with killer cyclones in the U.S. Midwest and
    Thermal variations in DHMO are a suspected contributor to the El
    Nino weather effect

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Nov 3, 2004
  15. linda

    linda Guest

    I appreciate all your input. Even the sarcastic ones. i am researching
    dangerous chemicals in our environment. i know that one little person
    cannot stop all the dangers in the world. i am only one person, but at
    least i am trying to do my part and i am not being sarcastic about it,
    with the exception of the offline remark i made to deadbeat about how
    much daimler chrysler was paying him to keep his mouth shut.and i
    apologize for that bad taste (however truthful) remark.

    if only one person in this world were concerned then that would be
    terrible. however, i am only one person. and i need your input, bad,
    good or indifferent. i am on a soap box today concerning the
    propellants used in the air bag deployment. tomorrow i will still be on
    this soap box with the same concerns. however, most of you have opened
    my eyes into other areas and i will be doing some studying on these
    too.. i am not an ambulance chaser, nor a "Typical Stupid ****" who
    wants to complain. i am a concerned citizen who wants a better, safer,
    cleaner environment for my future and the future of my children and my
    children's children.

    now, i am available at for your sarcastic
    comments... please send them there, everyone on this newsgroup knows
    that you are smart and can talk circles around one little person. if
    you have anything of use and of help to say that can further my research
    , then please post it to me here or at . and if
    the concensus of the group wants me to leave, then i will take my naive'
    questions elsewhere.

    Daniel and others, thank you for your help and your information. i will
    leave it up to the group as to whether i should just leave or stay. i
    would like to stay, but i don't want people to show their ignorance at
    my expense.

    thank you for your input...

    linda watkins
    linda, Nov 3, 2004
  16. linda

    linda Guest

    l think i got the hang of the reply now too.

    linda, Nov 3, 2004
  17. linda

    linda Guest

    bill, i have just taken my first look at the website for DHMO. it is
    terrible.. and i did not know about it.. thank you for alerting me to
    this.. i signed up for the ALERT mailing list on the site. we are
    killing our environment and i don't like it... and i want to help stop
    it.. but i am only one person. not a greenpeace person, not a hippie
    (not now anyway). i am a fully employed, single mother of a 24 year old
    seriously ill (not from legal chemicals) son. and all i know is that i
    am interested in learning and this is my beginning... everyone has to
    have a start...
    thnks you again for the ALERT. i will dedicate some more of my limited
    time to looking into this, i have some connections, not many, but am
    getting to know quite a few people in my heartfelt quests....

    linda, Nov 3, 2004
  18. linda

    Matt Whiting Guest

    If you want to be taken seriously, you also should learn how to use
    proper capitalization, punctuation and grammar. Your writing looks like
    it came from a 10 year-old.

    Matt Whiting, Nov 3, 2004
  19. linda

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Now if you can just learn to use the shift key.

    Matt Whiting, Nov 3, 2004
  20. linda

    linda Guest

    Matt, just an excerpt from a conversation i had with my son when he was
    5 years old (that was 19 year ago). i told him that i wanted him to
    always wear his seatbelt, even when he was not in the car with me.
    because no one NO ONE loved him as much as i did and i wanted him to be
    safe and always insist on wearing his seatbelt for me because if
    something happened to him i would absolutely die.. he looked at me with
    his sweet little five year old face and said, well, mom, i love you too
    and you don't wear your seat belt. From that moment on, I NEVER GO
    ANYWHERE WITHOUT PUTTING ON MY SEATBELT and neither does my son.

    just a cute little excerpt from my life.. hope no one is offended...

    linda, Nov 4, 2004
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