Adding insult to injury!!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TomKan, May 21, 2005.

  1. TomKan

    TomKan Guest

    Chrysler is having a block party in Cleveland. I got an invite to it
    today, $95 per car. A couple weeks I posted in this group about my PT
    Crusier AM radio reception going south. The cover of the invite is
    designed to look like a radio.
    TomKan, May 21, 2005
  2. TomKan

    CopperTop Guest

    That Chrysler Block party drops in attendence year after year due to those
    entrance fees. I know people that have been to each one and are refusing to
    go to future ones due to the cost and what little content there is. Too bad
    Chrysler obviously doesn't see how they have ruined what started out as a
    blast. Originally it was just for PT Cruisers. They've now combined it
    with their "Road Show" and has turned it into a milk toast marketing-attempt

    CopperTop, May 22, 2005
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