A604 Transmission - no reverse

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by One of the boys, Nov 27, 2003.

  1. On 1993 Imperial with 90,000 miles. When cool the transmission won't
    go into reverse. Forward is ok and no "limp in". Fluid/filter has
    been changed using Chrylser ATF+3.

    Is this a rebuild situation or something simple? After several miles
    I have reverse and all is well. Only early on a cool morning there is
    no reverse. Very aggrevating!!!

    Any opinions?

    Please post or willhopp@bellsouth dot com (the dot is a "." in actual
    email address)
    One of the boys, Nov 27, 2003
  2. One of the boys

    73blazer Guest

    Does it take a long time to go into a forward gear when it's cool, or
    does it drop right in? Could be pump or solenoid pack..
    73blazer, Nov 27, 2003
  3. Hey, thanks for the post. It takes a few seconds for it to go into
    forward when cold but may take as long as 10 minutes to get it into
    reverse. I did find this morning that it stayed in 2nd (limp in)
    until I turned off the ignition and restarted the car. Then all is
    fine -- probably until in the morning. I just can't believe it is the
    seals -- but then again it may be. This happened at about 45000 miles
    and a fluic/filter change fixed it until now. Fluic change did not do
    the trick this time.

    Thanks again,

    One of the boys, Nov 27, 2003
  4. One of the boys

    73blazer Guest

    If it doesn't go into gear immediatly from park to drive, or park to
    reverse, then pump is probably bad. The only way to get to the pump is a
    remove and teardown.

    You could have the trans codes' checked if you have a full OBDII reader,
    or most shops will do it for $30-60...
    My guess is, if it's a '93 A604 with 90,000mi, you've been lucky to
    make it that far, and are probably due for a teardown. Not to say they
    won't last past 90,000mi, but that is more the exception in that year
    than the norm...my '94 (Spirit)needed one at 88,000, then again at
    160,000...I got away with a sensor change at 72,000, the codes got me
    that one...
    73blazer, Nov 27, 2003
  5. Thanks again for the input. You are probably right as with the
    reputation of these transmissions 90K is about it. What puzzles me is
    that I had the very same problem at around 45K miles and the
    filter/fluid change fixed it. That was over 2 years ago and this car
    is not used a lot. I don't have a code reader but will have that done
    at an independent shop. Where I live, it is a good idea to avoid the
    dealership here.

    One of the boys, Nov 27, 2003
  6. One of the boys

    John Kunkel Guest

    Since it's temperature related it's probably hardened lips seals in the
    low/reverse clutch. The seals harden and shrink and will leak pressure when
    cold but will soften up when the fluid warms up and will then hold pressure.
    Aftermarket additives will often soften the seals enough to squeeze a few
    more miles out of the unit before overhaul becomes inevitable.
    John Kunkel, Nov 27, 2003
  7. Thanks John, I may pour in some "mouse milk" and see what it does.
    Don't think I have anything to loose by doing it.

    One of the boys, Nov 28, 2003
  8. One of the boys

    MWinkle353 Guest

    Before thinking the pump is bad, do a line pressure check. The test ports are
    located below the solenoid pack on the front of the unit. This will tell you if
    the pump is definately bad or a problem with your solenoid pack/valve housing.

    93 Lebaron Conv. 3.0L
    MWinkle353, Nov 28, 2003
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