A604 problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by lennita, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. lennita

    lennita Guest

    PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:40 pm Post subject: to limp or no
    to limp? Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBack to topDelete thi
    Hi sorry about may english. i'm from mexic
    i have a stratus 2.5 with a604 (41te). Yesterday i start the engin
    and always go to 2.500 rpm and inmediatly go down to 700 rpm, wich i
    normal i think, but yesterday when i start the engine inmediatly pu
    the Reverse while the motor was about to 2500 rpm and the shif
    was'nt smooth, then put the autostick and the trainy come on lim
    I drive for a while and turn off the engine and the same, "limp mode"
    but I insisted in shifts until the tranny began to shift normaly. The
    go to highway to test the tranny and everything ok. the computer don'
    display any error code
    So, do I should be worry
    wath could happen
    was my fault because of shift that way the reverse
    I often go to highway and I'm worry about a possible proble
    I have 250 miles with the car and when i received change to atf-
    fluid and original mopar filte
    Thank you for your comment

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    lennita, Mar 14, 2007
  2. lennita

    NewMan Guest

    Have it checked out by a reliable and reputable shop.

    It could be many things, but if there are times when it shifts
    normally, then it could be as simple as a cable harness problem.

    OH, BTW, the transmission computer is completely different from the
    engine computer. Using the ignition key to try and read codes will
    only tell you about the engine.

    To check the tranmisison, it has to be hooked up to a scannign tool.

    And honest shop can do this in 5 minutes, and should not chaarge you
    anything to do it.


    On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 15:26:01 -0600,
    NewMan, Mar 16, 2007
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