A604-41TE Amsoil synthetic versus ATF+3 Mpoar 7176 ??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tom Muller, May 28, 2004.

  1. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    I learned this long ago. The propensity of some men to
    dismiss women, e.g., failing to take us seriously in
    fields dominated by them, speaks of their own lack of
    ability, or perhaps even ready willingness, to perceive
    us as relevant outside of a sexual context.

    I have found that in interacting with such immature men,
    that the slightest gesture either verbal or non verbal,
    which is peculiar to women, or feminine, will be an
    immediate source of emotional discomfort for them. Such
    men will almost always display great antipathy toward
    such behaviors in other men also, and they are homophobic
    for the same reason, i.e., because they are unable to
    refrain from sexualizing any behavior which can be even
    remotely associated with females.

    I believe this tendency of immature men, has to do with
    unresolved maternal interaction issues, or in other
    words, they have mommy issues, and very often such men
    remain overly attached to their mothers throughout their
    entire lives.

    I bet your wife, if she is honest Mr. Pfeiffer, will
    readily admit that your mother has been an obtrusive
    presence in your marriage, whether bodily present or

    * -

    Now back to the subject at hand.

    I have discovered, from personal experience, that a full
    synthetic ATF, such as Redline C+ or Amsoil, will greatly
    improved the performance of the A604/41Te4 trans-axle,
    and I highly recommend either product.

    [giggle] [coy look] [hair flip]
    mini3oh, Jun 15, 2005
  2. Tom Muller

    TNKEV Guest

    Since you have reposted this like 45 times,just*exactly*what is your
    experience with this miracle product you want everbody to buy and use?
    how many miles have you gone with this product in your transmission?
    *exactly* how has performance improved?
    TNKEV, Jun 15, 2005
  3. Tom Muller

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    Uh, huh. Not only homophobic, but also unable to perceive women
    outside of a sexual context.
    Oh, immature, too.
    And unresolved maternal issues besides! Wow, that's quite a
    diagnosis on the basis of a couple of usenet posts. Do you have any
    qualifications that enable you to say this, or is it just because
    you're Female?
    Hmmm..... normally, I go by "Joe". As you, with your wide
    experience, are no doubt aware, if I am to be referred to formally it
    isn't as "Mr." Are you threatened by my degree? No reason to be, of
    course, since (1) it isn't relevant to the subject at hand, and (2)
    even if we were discussing computer science, the only point that
    mattered would be the arguments, not the past history. Do you
    perchance have a history of confusing authority figures with
    <Aw, obviously trying to distract me with stereotyped sexual cues.
    Let's stay focussed on the argument... and there isn't one>

    <belch> <cotch scratch>
    Joe Pfeiffer, Jun 16, 2005
  4. Tom Muller

    Steve Guest

    Because in the 16+ years that transmissions requiring ATF+3 have been in
    production, THOUSANDS of people have learned the hard way that the only
    fluid to use is one that meets the ATF+3 (or later ATF+4) specs. Nothing
    else. If it doesn't SAY that it meets the spec, we consider it poison to
    our vehicles, and rightly so. Now plenty of non-Chrysler branded fluids
    DO meet the spec and say so.

    Scamsoil does NOT
    Steve, Jun 19, 2005
  5. Tom Muller

    calcerise Guest

    I have an excellent CD rendition of the famous 1950 radio ad for motor
    oil Marilyn Monroe did. But it lacked one quality-no man listening gave
    a shit about the OIL. I can't even remember the brand now myself.

    As for the effeminate male, there are valid reasons normal males do
    not want to be around them. That's different from harassing or
    persecuitng them. They do their thing, but not around me if I can avoid
    it. I care less about their private lives, but I avoid the flagrantly
    swishy. I also avoid people with extreme BO, who act retarded, or who
    do some other disconcerting things.

    Finally, I think DCX should be told by the car buying public that we
    like our cars to run on commonly available fluids, lubricants, and
    calcerise, Jun 20, 2005
  6. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    I learned a valuable lesson as a young girl about
    men. It is best to avoid the ones who are uncomfy
    around "swishy" gays, because it always turns out
    that deep down they are uncomfy with their own
    sexuality, and they have severe "mommy issues".

    I begin making excuse to leave, the moment any guy
    uses words like "normal", in regards to gender or
    sexuality also. It is not a red flag, but more like
    a huge glaring neon sign over their heads with a
    flashing arrow, pointing right down at them.

    Any gal, with just a smidgen of sense, knows that
    guys like that are very often even dangerous. Our
    penal system is full of these manly he men, who
    are so very "normal" and so very NOT gay. They just
    have these unfortunate quirks like molesting our
    children, raping us, or beating us half to death.
    mini3oh, Jun 20, 2005
  7. Tom Muller

    Steve Guest

    What fluids do Chryslers use that AREN'T commonly available? G-05
    coolant is everywhere. So is ATF+3.

    Why is that any worse than Honda power steering fluid, Ford's insistence
    on fairly rare 5w-20 motor oil, or GM's DexCool?
    Steve, Jun 20, 2005
  8. Tom Muller

    Matt Whiting Guest

    And this experience amounts to what? A few months with one transmission?

    Matt Whiting, Jun 30, 2005
  9. Tom Muller

    calcerise Guest

    When it comes to automatic transmissions, use the recommended
    fluid-period. Change it frequently, fit an aux cooler or filter, but
    USE THE RECOMMENDED FLUID. If some aftermarket company makes
    significant changes, and a bunch of other people successfully act as
    guinea pigs, as with Trick Shift in certain rebuilt transmissions, go
    ahead and use the other fluid-but do not bitch if this backfires.

    Personally, I believe designing around fluids besides good old Dexron
    is mostly unnecessary-they are cost cutting in the design most likely
    or shaving weight for CAFE-but they do, and so you should follow along.
    calcerise, Jul 1, 2005
  10. Tom Muller

    calcerise Guest

    I learned a valuable lesson as a young girl about
    men. It is best to avoid the ones who are uncomfy
    around "swishy" gays, because it always turns out
    that deep down they are uncomfy with their own
    sexuality, and they have severe "mommy issues".

    I begin making excuse to leave, the moment any guy
    uses words like "normal", in regards to gender or
    sexuality also. It is not a red flag, but more like
    a huge glaring neon sign over their heads with a
    flashing arrow, pointing right down at them.

    Any gal, with just a smidgen of sense, knows that
    guys like that are very often even dangerous. Our
    penal system is full of these manly he men, who
    are so very "normal" and so very NOT gay. They just
    have these unfortunate quirks like molesting our
    children, raping us, or beating us half to death.<<

    As a female you learned about male behavior in the penal (no pun
    intended) system exactly HOW? Did you work in corrections??

    Sorry, but my grandfather, father, and uncle were all involved in
    corrections in various capacities and I've done contract work in, and
    know many current CO's, in the system.

    There is absolutely NO correlation between the repellent acts you just
    mentioned and being a man who is honest enough to admit the truth,
    which is that flamers are not especially great company-as neither are
    guys who talk about screwing every broad they see constantly, or how
    much they don't like the lavender contingent on a pervasive or constant
    basis. I try to keep my private life private and appreciate the same
    courtesy of others. If they're gay I honestly don't care, but if they
    exhibit an excessive desire to make absolutely certain no one can fail
    to know they are gay-or the"real stud", either way-they are people with
    character flaws. I don't associate with people I know are pathological
    liars, known shoplifters, abusers of other people (see above), or
    animal torturers because like the sex displayers these are people I
    feel will cause serious problems sooner or later. So, I avoid them.
    calcerise, Jul 1, 2005
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