A604-41TE Amsoil synthetic versus ATF+3 Mpoar 7176 ??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tom Muller, May 28, 2004.

  1. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    His usual patronizing pompous garbage.
    mini3oh, Jun 12, 2005
  2. Tom Muller

    Steve B. Guest

    Personally I am amazed that you would slander pigs in this manner. I
    have seen plenty of pigs that knew a lot more than this tired old drag

    Steve B.
    Steve B., Jun 12, 2005
  3. Tom Muller

    Matt Whiting Guest

    And you gave a new record 22 identical replies. You are a real rocket
    scientist with a news reader. You are really embarrassing yourself here
    in many ways. Might be time to take a break and spend the time learing
    to use a computer.

    Matt Whiting, Jun 12, 2005
  4. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    Just in case anyone who is not a crazy
    troll, finds this thread because they
    did a web search on AMSOIL, I just
    wanted to make another post which is
    actually on topic.

    There are alternatives to Mopar ATF
    +3 (7176) and +4. These include but
    are not limited to, REDLINE C+ and
    Amsoil ATF. Both are full synthetic,
    and not lower grade semi synthetic
    like Mopar's "new" ATF +4.

    I use a full synthetic in my 41Te,
    also known as the A604, with great

    Those who say you can only use MOPAR
    ATF are wrong, and I really have to
    wonder why they go to such extreme
    lengths to keep this myth alive.
    mini3oh, Jun 12, 2005
  5. Tom Muller

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Sure, motor oil is an "alternative" as is gear oil, castor oil, etc.
    These aren't approved alternatives any more than is Amsoil so if you use
    any of these alternatives, you are taking the life of your transmission
    into your own hands.

    Great results for how long? A few months or a few thousand miles as I

    We are only wrong in your mind. We are factually correct and knowing
    you are correct can carry you a long way.

    Matt Whiting, Jun 12, 2005
  6. Tom Muller

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    Could we please quit feeding this particular troll?
    Joe Pfeiffer, Jun 12, 2005
  7. I humbly apologise to pigs.


    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, Jun 13, 2005
  8. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    mini3oh, Jun 13, 2005
  9. ....or at least start feeding him Scamsoil so he runs quieter?
    Daniel J. Stern, Jun 13, 2005
  10. Tom Muller

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    Her! Her! You homophobe, you.
    Joe Pfeiffer, Jun 13, 2005
  11. Why do you hate freedom?
    Daniel J. Stern, Jun 14, 2005
  12. Tom Muller

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    Why does everybody around here personally attack people <whine>?
    Joe Pfeiffer, Jun 14, 2005
  13. Because we're all members of a vast right-wing^h^h^h^h left-wing^h^h^h^h
    centrist conspiracy.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jun 14, 2005
  14. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    Or maybe people with too much time on their hands,
    and the frustration that goes along with not
    having a real life?

    flame on
    mini3oh, Jun 14, 2005
  15. Tom Muller

    TNKEV Guest

    dude you have more problems than just not having a life,try starting with
    the cross dressing thing,I think you will find more of a life if you stop
    posing as a woman.
    TNKEV, Jun 14, 2005
  16. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    If anyone wants to discus lubricants with NORMAL
    people. Then try the 'Bob Is the Oil Guy' forum.


    Some people there actually know what they are
    talking about, and they don't act like these
    idiots here do.
    mini3oh, Jun 15, 2005
  17. Tom Muller

    David Guest

    Haven't you gone here before? You yes you did. Four or five times know!
    Bob's the oil guy is an ass! he does not even have an engineering degree, So
    what the #%$#^ does he know about the volatility, and viscosity of
    lubricants( Jack @%^%). Just like the fag - o - mini - o
    David, Jun 15, 2005
  18. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest


    EdgeaKAYshun is great!

    Well it will have to do for "know" anyway.

    mini3oh, Jun 15, 2005
  19. Tom Muller

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    Well, at least she's quit <giggle>ing (for the record, my wife has
    also been known to giggle on occasion. But never during a technical
    discussion. Hmmm, my wife gets taken seriously....).
    Joe Pfeiffer, Jun 15, 2005
  20. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    What's his name?
    mini3oh, Jun 15, 2005
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