A604-41TE Amsoil synthetic versus ATF+3 Mpoar 7176 ??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tom Muller, May 28, 2004.

  1. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    Hi Matt,

    I respect your caution about upgrading to a full synthetic ATF. God
    knows these trannys are very sensitive to fluid requirements, and
    everyone who has ever put Dexron Mercon in by mistake, or believed some
    idiot at a trans repair shop who said it was OK to put it in, "as long
    as a friction modifier like Lube-guard is added", immediately had TC
    shudder and slippage. Such would require an immediate full system
    flush, a new MOPAR filter (not a close but no cigar knockoff), and a
    complete refill with MOPAR ATF +3. All true.

    I know how you feel. The data. The data. Think about this though. How
    long were DCX's own TSB's on fluid (Trans OIL) for the A604 confusing
    and open to interpretation? I think their data is too often just profit
    driven bunkum.

    All I can tell you is this. I have had great results with full
    synthetic ATF in my A604. I knew right off I had done the right thing
    because it performs far better.

    It shifts way faster and firmer on WOT, like a properly installed shift
    kit would afford, and it shifts down perfectly too. Yet when driving
    "normal" with smooth light even acceleration, you can NOT feel it shift
    at all. I mean way waaaaay smoother than it did even when brand new. If
    the friction characteristics were not up to snuff, it wouldn't be able
    to do that, and you know it.

    It runs much cooler now too, both in stop and go traffic in hot
    weather, and when taking a beating on the highway. If the friction
    characteristics were off, it would heat up, even if I really was too
    stupid to sense if was slipping, or the shift timing was off.

    You know how these 4 speeds were designed to hang onto one gear while
    grabbing another, so they would have that "grocery getter smoothness",
    and how this means friction heat buildup. As you may know already. This
    is why a good shift kit can extend the life of these babies, IF DONE
    RIGHT. Yeah yeah yeah. I know. Most people can't install a shift kit
    right. Or they chose the wrong one and just wind up creating problems.
    But you know the idea behind getting one. Well now my A604 performs
    just as I told you above.

    I believe that this full synthetic enables the A604 to actually perform
    as it was intended to by the designers. In other words. I think they
    are a great design, and really the old ATF +3 was just not up to the
    job. Not really. You had to baby them to get a decent life span out of
    them, by avoiding WOT and driving conservatively.

    But for far too many people, over many years, [there is plenty of data
    on that!] driving conservatively and using only Mopar 7176 +3, Mopar
    filters and following their fluid & filter change schedule, did not get
    them the lifespan of the 3 speeds, and other car manufacturers

    Thousands of complaints over the years by A604 owners has given it bad
    reputation. But it wasn't the design. It was the ATF. The fact that DCX
    is pushing their new semi synthetic +4, only proves they knew it too.
    The A604/41Te4 design is a marvel! It was ahead of it's time, IF you
    used Mopar 7176 +3, but not if you were using one of the full

    Honestly Matt. Full synthetics like Redline C+ and Amsoil ATF have been
    around a lot longer than Mopar +4. Those who for years have been using
    these full synthetics in their's, with great results, have all along
    been denounced as liars trying to peddle snake oil though. It is a
    MYTH that only Mopar ATF should be used.

    True, Mopar +4 is better than their old +3, but it is only a semi
    synthetic. It is a far less robust than a 100% full synthetic. I use it
    in my A604, for the same reasons that I use Mobil 1 in my engine.

    I swear to you I don't sell the stuff Matt. In fact if I were you, I
    would go with the Redline C+, because they have a better reputation,
    and lots of race teams wont use anything else. I only have experience
    with Amsoil ATF though, and I do know from experience that it is great
    stuff. So personally I would buy Amsoil again.

    I trust Valvoline pretty much. I mean they do have a reputation to
    uphold, and there are liability issues, but they say they have a +4. I
    don't know if it is just a copy of Mopar's semi synthetic +4 or not
    though. I suggest you try one of the full synthetics.

    Or you can believe the myths. Like if you disconnect the air box on a
    Chrysler/MMC 3.0 and use a CAI instead, then your computer will burn
    up! People believed that myth for years. But experience, seat of the
    pants data not driven by profit, my own included, proves that to be
    untrue. It's the same with this ATF issue Matt.


    Some of us still call the 41Te4 (not "41Te" as you said by the way)
    A604's out of habit, because we have been Chrysler owners a little

    One more thing Stevie. You really can be a nasty bitchy little whiner.
    So I don't know if you are really a *man* or not. Balls *or* no balls.
    mini3oh, Jun 9, 2005
  2. Tom Muller

    David Guest

    You still here? Slow day selling Scamsoil! And what temp does your tranny
    run? at ambient temp of 100 degrees, around town?
    David, Jun 9, 2005
  3. Tom Muller

    Bill Putney Guest

    Can anyone read this last post and tell me that could possibly be a girl
    as claimed? No female expresses herself like this. Try reading the
    post as a woman speaking to you - it's impossible - the voice keeps
    switching to a man. The poster is a guy an "im-poster".

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')

    Bill Putney, Jun 9, 2005
  4. Tom Muller

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Thinking it is doesn't make it so.

    It performs differently, but that may not be better.

    That isn't consistent. The same clutches are shifting at low throttle
    and WOT. If the fluid is slipperier allowing smoother (i.e., more
    clutch slippage during shifting) shifts are low throttle, it will also
    allow smoother shifts at WOT. Think about it...

    How do you know? I haven't seen a production car with a transmission
    temp gauge in eons.

    A shift kit and a fluid change aren't comparable at all. A fluid change
    won't give the benefits of a shift kit.

    You believe a lot, but know very little. How do you know what the
    designers intended? Do you know any of them?

    Three speeds, yes, other car manufacturers modern four+ speeds, no.
    Ford has had trouble with the Windstar, Honda with the Odyssey, even
    Toyota vans have had an inordinate amount of trouble with their new
    automatics early on. Most have been sorted out reasonably well by now,
    but they are simply packing more stuff into a fixed space then with the
    old three speeds and reliability has suffered, no argument there.
    However, most of the newer trannies are doing rather well. My 1996
    Grand Voyager just turned 167,000 miles and is on the original 3.3L
    engine and four speed transmission.

    Actually, it had some design/component materials problems that have
    since largely been addressed.

    True. Do you not think that Chrysler engineers weren't aware of the
    available fluids when they designed the transmission? If they could
    have accomplished their design goals using a full synthetic do you not
    think they would have done so?

    Not necessarily better, just appropriate for the transmission design in
    use today. I use Mobil 1 also, but engines and transmissions are
    totally different beasts. I can't think right off-hand of any part in
    an engine that doesn't benefit from less friction (once break-in has
    been accomplished). However, wet clutches are designed for a PARTICULAR
    amount of friction. Either more or LESS is bad. This isn't the case in
    an engine.

    No, you think it is great stuff, you don't know that it is.

    Why? I have 167,000 miles on +3 and my transmission still shifts just
    tine. I'd be nuts to change.

    Not even close to being the same. You just believe a different myth.

    Matt Whiting, Jun 10, 2005
  5. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    Get help.

    It is obvious you need to find a good shrink
    and sort your sexuality issues out.

    Talk about insecurity. You take the cake. I
    am sure this isn't the first time someone has
    suggested this to you either.
    mini3oh, Jun 10, 2005
  6. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest


    I guess I was pretty silly to think you actually
    wanted to discus this.

    Obviously I was wrong though.

    Have a good life.
    mini3oh, Jun 10, 2005
  7. Tom Muller

    Bill Putney Guest

    Oh no! I'm so mortally wounded. I don't think I can ever get over it.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jun 10, 2005
  8. Tom Muller

    Bill Putney Guest

    Besides, I'm not the one coming onto the internet as a cross-dresser.

    (I know - don't feed the trolls!)

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jun 10, 2005
  9. Tom Muller

    David Guest

    Somehow, I don't think you are gone!
    David, Jun 10, 2005
  10. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    Are you one of those idiots from the FWD MOPAR Yahoo
    group started by Jeremy Leis? He is the asshole who
    started that rumor about me.

    Now tell me that somebone who makes such an assumption
    about me, because I am tall for a woman, doesn't have
    some serious sexual issues.

    For the record ASSHOLE. I am not a man. I have never
    had a dick. I am not a sex change, and I am certainly
    not a "cross dresser". Which is a word I had to look
    up in the dictionary. By the way. Now how come you
    know that obscure reference? It sure seems to be
    insider terminology from what I can gather.

    Either you 'are' Jeremy Leis or you are one of his
    immensely homophobic buddies. I think you are Jeremy
    Leis, and here is the proof that you DO have some
    serious sexual issues.


    Just scroll down the SEX OFFENDERS LIST until you
    find the name Jeremy W. Leis. Hit on the link, and
    you will his picture, along with his address. Oh,
    by the way Leis. Your address had better be current
    and correct. Or you have violated your PAROLE!

    Intolerant homophobic gossips always have one thing
    in common. They are OVER compensating, and they are
    hiding something.

    mini3oh, Jun 10, 2005
  11. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    What the hell is going on?

    Right from the start I have been amazed at the
    level of animosity expressed here, toward anyone
    who points out, there are alternatives to Mopar

    I mean it is really over the top! I have been
    accused of everything, from selling a particular
    brand of full synthetic ATF, to being a cross

    What the hell is going on here? I just came here
    to give the Mopar guys a heads up.

    I kept expecting someone who isn't crazy, to
    speak up and actually say something that made
    some sort of sense, but no way. In fact it just
    gets worse.

    I just did a web search and looked around a bit.

    I see someone even tried to start a Usenet group
    about Amsoil. It has been completely silenced by
    spam though. I also noticed that anyone who
    speaks positively about non Mopar ATF, in other
    forums, is treated the same damned way.

    The very few posts which are not ludicrous rants,
    filled with ridiculous personal invective, are
    nothing more than doublespeak usually reserved
    for political propaganda.

    The tactics of propaganda remain consistent.
    Anyone who says there are alternatives to Mopar
    ATF, is smeared by any means necessary. I am
    surprised I haven't been accused of being anti
    American also.

    The man who developed Amsoil, pioneered both the
    development and production of, the very first
    synthetic automotive lubricants. That was long
    before Mobil 1, or any of the other synthetic
    oils available today. I really can't imagine why
    anyone would call snake oil. It doesn't make any
    sense at all.

    Consider this. The entire concept of synthetic
    oil was denounced as snake oil, until BIG OIL
    got on board with it. So is there a connection
    between BIG OIL, and all the irrational hate
    and misinformation involved in this war against
    Amsoil? I don't know. It is enough to really
    make me wonder though.
    mini3oh, Jun 10, 2005
  12. Tom Muller

    David Guest

    Yep! It is one big conspiracy. Big oil companies at the Chrysler newsgroup
    trying to keep a lid on Scamsoil! You found us out.
    P.S. didn't you say goodbye, like 10 times already?
    David, Jun 10, 2005
  13. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    If you don't think some big corps don't do whatever
    it takes to stomp their competition, then you are
    either very naive, or just plain stupid.
    mini3oh, Jun 10, 2005
  14. Tom Muller

    TNKEV Guest

    what did you think would happen if you came to a chrysler group bashing
    thier favorite product?
    go to *any*group and bash what they are there about and see what you get.
    have you posted your.........whatever in the Ford or GM groups?
    TNKEV, Jun 10, 2005
  15. Tom Muller

    cavedweller Guest

    Well, wonder about the fact that you've been expressing yourself like a
    cavedweller, Jun 10, 2005
  16. Tom Muller

    Steve B. Guest

    FINALLY.. You said something I can agree with. Your are correct that
    some corporations don't do whatever it takes to stomp their

    BTW... While you are looking up words in the dictionary you might
    want to check for Good Bye as you obviously have no clue what it
    means.... You keep using it over and over yet you still seem to be

    Steve B.
    Steve B., Jun 10, 2005
  17. Tom Muller

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Always willing to discuss facts, physics, etc. However, discussing your
    feelings about oil isn't all that satisfying to me.

    Only if you don't have data or facts.

    I have, I am and I will!

    Matt Whiting, Jun 11, 2005
  18. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    Uh huh

    If some do not, then some, perhaps most, certainly do.

    Very good Steve.
    mini3oh, Jun 11, 2005
  19. Tom Muller

    Bill Putney Guest

    That's nice. So what.
    Yes - that's what they call one type of man who poses as a woman. So what.
    OK - you did it.
    That's right. We're all crazy as loons. We like it that way. We drove
    all the normal people off. We've been waiting for you to join us.
    Gee that's funny. The guy who used to be president of a certain
    MOPAR-centric club uses Amsoil ATF in his Chrysler car. I won't tell
    you which club it is because, even though several people there are
    friendly to Amsoil and some use it - they wouldn't want to hear your
    meaningless crap either. On the other hand, there's five fingers - err
    - I mean - if you happen to figure it out, that's OK too, 'cause they
    can block you there, so knock yourself out trying to figure it out - it
    wouldn't be hard to do.
    Let's see...invective, invective... oh, OK, here it is - "violent verbal
    attack". Ummm - OK - I'll buy that. I would try to immitate some
    political propaganda double-speak for you, but I'm too tired right now.
    However, you can probably pick up some Howard Dean sound bytes on TV
    tonight on CNN or Fox News.
    Yes - we've all taken a pledge to do that whenever the opportunity
    arises. At least we are consistent, eh? (I'm not from Canada - I just
    like posting like that when I can.)
    OK - you're anti-American. Happy now?
    I have nothing against Amsoil. I use certain herbs that I know work,
    and people call it snake oil. So what.
    No surprise there. You will usually get a similar reaction if you post
    that you are using Fram oil filters - that gets a little weird too
    sometimes. I don't get freaked out about it though.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jun 11, 2005
  20. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    Bill Putney,

    Are you one of those idiots from the FWD MOPAR Yahoo
    group started by Jeremy Leis? He is the asshole who
    started that rumor about me.

    Now tell me that somebone who makes such an assumption
    about me, because I am tall for a woman, doesn't have
    some serious sexual issues.

    For the record ASSHOLE. I am not a man. I have never
    had a dick. I am not a sex change, and I am certainly
    not a "cross dresser". Which is a word I had to look
    up in the dictionary. By the way. Now how come you
    know that obscure reference? It sure seems to be
    insider terminology from what I can gather.

    Either you 'are' Jeremy Leis or you are one of his
    immensely homophobic buddies. I think you are Jeremy
    Leis, and here is the proof that you DO have some
    serious sexual issues.


    Just scroll down the SEX OFFENDERS LIST until you
    find the name Jeremy W. Leis. Hit on the link, and
    you see will his picture along with his address. Oh,
    by the way Leis. Your address had better be current
    and correct. Or you have violated your PAROLE.

    Intolerant homophobic gossips always have one thing
    in common. They are OVER compensating, and they are
    hiding something.

    mini3oh, Jun 11, 2005
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