A604-41TE Amsoil synthetic versus ATF+3 Mpoar 7176 ??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tom Muller, May 28, 2004.

  1. Tom Muller

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    Ummm... google groups is a portal giving a really crummy interface
    to usenet.
    Joe Pfeiffer, Jun 8, 2005
  2. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    What's your problem?

    Stop whining because you dislike my point of view.

    Stop trying to make this personal by baiting people.

    If you are so offended by free speech then move to
    the PRC or something.


    By the way it is *you're*, as in "you are not going
    to blah blah blah", a contraction of you are, and not
    *your*, as in "that's your problem".

    Rather than offering ideas and relevant information
    you persist in restating the same tired catch phrases,
    e.g. "ATF +4 is the only fluid to use!", "AMSOIL is
    snake oil!, "It works man!", and other such wearisome
    trollish garbage e.g., "Your[sic] this and that and
    you smell bad so go away. HAW HAW HAW!"

    Clearly your position is sophomoric at best, and
    in addition you're making yourself appear stupid.
    mini3oh, Jun 8, 2005
  3. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    Was that some sort homophobic seizure or something?

    I am a woman, and I do giggle upon occasion. Is that
    a problem for you? Maybe you could stop trying to
    substitute personal digs in place of a knowledgeable
    refutation and making yourself look like an ass.
    Well you're the Ph.d. Perhaps you could be so kind as
    to explain it to the class.
    mini3oh, Jun 8, 2005
  4. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest


    Was that some sort homophobic seizure or something?

    I am a woman, and I do giggle upon occasion. Is that
    a problem for you? Maybe you could stop trying to
    substitute personal digs in place of a knowledgeable
    refutation and making yourself look like an ass.

    Well you're the Ph.d. Perhaps you could be so kind as
    to explain it to the class.
    mini3oh, Jun 8, 2005
  5. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    another Pfeifferism of note.

    Well, Dr., at last you are within your field.

    True as that may be. At least this portal is
    not censored by boorish corporate loyalists
    masquerading as automotive forum moderators.

    Perhaps you have something actually on topic
    to share with us today?
    mini3oh, Jun 8, 2005
  6. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    My point is not that AMSOIL makes the best ATF.
    I would have bought REDLINE C+ if I could found
    some for sale.

    Really my point is that there are far better
    alternatives to overpriced MOPAR ATF +3 and +4,
    including Valvoline ATF, REDLINE C+ and Amsoil

    In addition. I point out that Daimler Chrysler
    has been misinforming their customers about
    their vehicles transmission fluid requirements.

    They have perpetrated this long running hoax.
    To keep their profit margin up by causing
    their customers to buy only their ATF. To
    keep them coming back for parts and service,
    which would not have been necessary if their
    inferior ATF had not been used, instead of
    superior alternatives.

    Valvoline, Redline and Amsoil ATF is not
    snake oil. Daimler Chrysler's business
    ethic certainly is though, and their ATF
    +4 semi synthetic, is an inferior product
    by design.

    mini3oh, Jun 8, 2005
  7. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    My point is not that AMSOIL makes the best ATF.
    I would have bought REDLINE C+ if I could found
    some for sale.

    Really my point is that there are far better
    alternatives to overpriced MOPAR ATF +3 and +4,
    including Valvoline ATF, REDLINE C+ and Amsoil

    In addition. I point out that Daimler Chrysler
    has been misinforming their customers about
    their vehicles transmission fluid requirements.

    They have perpetrated this long running hoax.
    To keep their profit margin up by causing
    their customers to buy only their ATF. To
    keep them coming back for parts and service,
    which would not have been necessary if their
    inferior ATF had not been used, instead of
    superior alternatives.

    Valvoline, Redline and Amsoil ATF is not
    snake oil. Daimler Chrysler's business
    ethic certainly is though, and their ATF
    +4 semi synthetic, is an inferior product
    by design.

    mini3oh, Jun 8, 2005
  8. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    Another Pfeifferism of note.

    Well, Dr., at last you are within your field.

    True as that may be. At least this portal is
    not censored by boorish corporate loyalists
    masquerading as automotive forum moderators.

    Perhaps you have something actually on topic
    to share with us today?
    mini3oh, Jun 8, 2005
  9. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest


    Was that some sort homophobic seizure or something?

    I am a woman, and I do giggle upon occasion. Is that
    a problem for you? Maybe you could stop trying to
    substitute personal digs in place of a knowledgeable
    refutation, and making yourself look like an ass.
    Well you're the Ph.d. Perhaps you could be so kind as
    to explain it to the class.
    mini3oh, Jun 8, 2005
  10. Tom Muller

    Carl Keehn Guest

    No censorship is involved at all. AS Godlike as I would like to be, I have
    no influence over the internet, usenet groups or what any other person does
    or does not read. My only power is to ask my newsreader software to not
    display postings from selected persons. Since you're so concerned over the
    issue, my criteria for blocking comes up when the poster wanders away from
    posting on the topic and resorts to personal attacks on those who differ
    with him.
    Carl Keehn, Jun 8, 2005
  11. Tom Muller

    David Guest

    How? The dealer lied on credit apps. And DC gets blamed for it! And the
    dealer went out of business for being a roach. Even the customers sueing
    want out of the lawsuit, because of dealers lies. But you blame DC. Amsoil
    snake oil sales merchants are the same!
    David, Jun 8, 2005
  12. Tom Muller

    David Guest

    He is a Scamsoil Snake oil salesman. Look at all the Time he has to Post!
    He's like a Maytag salesman, Not doing any business! Sitting in his Trailer
    at the Mobile home park all day posting. Gotta Love that.

    P.S. I'm not racists. I believe all Trailer park residents are TT Amsoil
    Sales people!
    David, Jun 8, 2005
  13. You've stated your opinion. It has been largely rejected as unsupported
    and unsupportable. Repeating your opinion isn't likely to change this.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jun 8, 2005
  14. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest

    I never said you have any "influence over the internet",
    and you know it. I said *I think* you moderate a forum
    somewhere. I suppose I could have added the word may,
    but a reasonable person, could see I was not stating I
    knew such was the case.

    Your saying you had *blocked* fwd_mopabuku did make me
    wonder though, if you had BLOCKED him from appearing on
    an entire forum. I mean, usually the brats say something
    like this, when they bozo filter someone. "YOU ARE ON
    IGNORE BUDDY! Nya Nya Nya Nya NYAAAA", ad nauseum etc.

    By saying you blocked him you made me wonder though.
    That is why I did a Google WEB search on this thread.
    It was then I discovered that, YEP, this thread has
    indeed been censored in many automotive forums. Just
    as I said earlier.

    Just curious.

    Under the censorship criteria you operate by, have you
    also filtered Sternn, Pffeifer, Steve B and David, for
    repeatedly attacking others and ditorting their words?
    Have you considered bozo filtering your own posts?

    I noticed you blocked fwd_mopabuku. From what I can see
    though, he is only guilty of allowing guys like I just
    mentioned, to get him angry for reapeatedly baiting him.

    Do you bozo the idiots who go off topic, purposely
    distort my words, bait me, and falsely claim I sell
    Amsoil? I mean since as you confess, "AS Godlike as I
    would like to be", wouldn't being fair and even handed
    be more "Godlike"? Or is it just the power you enjoy?

    Please get this.

    Only a fool would try to sell Amsoil to DCX shills,
    or try to convince close minded idiots, to rethink
    their unreasoning prejudices.

    I know that is not what I came here for. I just know
    that this thread will be forever archived, and made
    available for search engines. I want consumers to
    know the truth about the DCX ATF scam. That's all.

    Don't forget to filter me out also. If you haven't
    already done so.

    So far you guys have helped the cause tremendously,
    by being so transparently duplicitous, hypocritical,
    and unfalteringly irrational.

    Thank you, all of you, so very very much.
    mini3oh, Jun 8, 2005
  15. Tom Muller

    mini3oh Guest


    I am a she not a he. Obviously you haven't even
    read my posts, and so you do not even know what
    you are talking about.

    I am not an Amsoil sales person.

    Maybe you are telling the truth, and you are
    not a racist. You are however clearly a bigot.
    Because obviously you have a penchant for making
    broad sweeping value judgments about others,
    based upon faulty stereotypes, regrading what
    areas people live in. How very Daimler of you.

    You are clearly a jerk who does not think before
    he speaks. I suppose it is fair to presume that
    you are not a DCX public relations officer. Then
    again, I suppose it really isn't, is it.


    OH GOD.

    That was a good one.


    I have to get back to work now.

    Dig ya later discriminator!


    mini3oh, Jun 8, 2005
  16. Tom Muller

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Sure it can. If a certain level of "slipperiness" or viscosity is
    required for proper operation and the full synthetic isn't in that range
    (might be too slippery, or too thin), then it isn't better and very
    likely is worse.

    No, just someone who can recognize a duck when he hears or sees one.

    So you'd rather see them ripped off my Scamsoil?

    The only problem is that there is no evidence that it is better.

    Matt Whiting, Jun 9, 2005
  17. Tom Muller

    Matt Whiting Guest

    But our point is that your point is incorrect.

    Wrong again.

    And you have no data to support his assertion. It may be true, but you
    certainly have given no evidence that it is true.

    Given the number of people buying Toyota's now to get better quality, I
    really doubt that any auto maker would knowingly shorten the life of
    their vehicles and encourage even more defections. However, believe
    whatever conspiracy theory suits your fancy.

    I don't know if it is snake oil or not, but I do know that it isn't
    suitable for Chrysler transmissions that specify ATF+4.

    Matt Whiting, Jun 9, 2005
  18. Tom Muller

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Do you really need to post everything twice? Reading your drivel once
    is more than enough. However, at least you are consistent. Your
    knowledge or newsreader operation matches your knowledge of ATF.


    Matt Whiting, Jun 9, 2005
  19. Tom Muller

    Steve Guest

    Maybe you're not an Amsoil salesman, but you're also not a Chrysler
    owner. At least not a knowledgeable one. No one who actually deals with
    them has called it an "A604" for more than 10 years. Its a 41TE or a 42LE.
    Steve, Jun 9, 2005
  20. Tom Muller

    Steve Guest

    I don't care if you're a woman or not. But on purely technical grounds,
    you're "any sythetic has to be better than a semi-synthetic" argument
    aint got no balls, that much is certain.
    Steve, Jun 9, 2005
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