A War on Horsepower?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dave U.Random, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. "The freedom to drive fast in a powerful car is fundamental to
    the mystique that auto makers use to sell cars. Now, as if the
    auto industry didn't have enough trouble, come more signs of a
    looming war on horsepower and speed..."

    Wall Street Journal article: http://xrl.us/WarHorsepower
    Dave U.Random, Feb 13, 2008
  2. Dave U.Random

    HLS Guest

    Things change. We are entering into an era where fuel costs and
    availability are
    not likely to improve, and where the environmental aspects of fossil fuel
    may well become the serious issues that have been being predicted for a long

    For those of us who love cars, there will -for the foreseeable future- be
    products, or techniques, that will give us something interesting to drive.
    HLS, Feb 13, 2008
  3. Dave U.Random

    Lloyd Guest

    I can never remember -- is that the first amendment or the third?
    Lloyd, Feb 14, 2008
  4. Dave U.Random

    Steve Guest

    I lived through a period like that once alread. From 1975 until 1993,
    there wasn't a car built that *really* interested me (the closest being
    the Buick GNX). IF it happens again, I'll hang on to the cars I have
    (most of which predate the FIRST war on horsepower anyway) or snatch up
    a cheap Hemi Charger or Magnum that someone is trying to get rid of,
    just like people bought big-block Roadrunners for a nickel on the dollar
    in the late 70s. The difference being that during the first war on
    horsepower I was a poor student who couldn't afford a big-block
    Roadrunner even at a nickel on the dollar. This time things are
    different... ;-)
    Steve, Feb 14, 2008
  5. Dave U.Random

    HLS Guest

    I know what you mean. I had one of the 68 Mustang 428 street Cobras
    (a la Hubert Platt). In those days gas was relatively cheap, but I didnt
    much money either. That sucker got 6-8 mpg.
    HLS, Feb 14, 2008
  6. Dave U.Random

    J a c k Guest

    It's in the second paragraph of a little thing we like to call," The
    unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America."


    It's just the reason for everything that followed, that's all.

    J a c k, Feb 18, 2008
  7. Dave U.Random

    dr.benway Guest

    Here we go again! More #$^&#@#^^&!! do gooders, may God curse them..
    dr.benway, Mar 12, 2008
  8. Dave U.Random

    dr.benway Guest

    The Lord spake and proclaimeed " Thou shalt havge mkore horsepower!"m..
    dr.benway, Mar 12, 2008
  9. Dave U.Random

    HLS Guest

    The Lord spake and proclaimeed " Thou shalt havge mkore horsepower!"m..

    But He also said "Mene,mene, tekel , upharsen", popularly translated as
    "You have been weighed in the balance, and found wanting"
    HLS, Mar 12, 2008
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