a/c evaporator on Intrepid

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by justlarry, Aug 11, 2005.

  1. justlarry

    justlarry Guest

    I have to have the a/c evaporator on my '00 Intrepid replaced (fortunately I
    have a service contract). The shop tells me that the dash must be removed
    to gain access. Curious: does the steering wheel also have to be removed,
    and is it possible to align the wheel back up again during re-assembly? And
    is the dashboard pretty much completely removed, or just hunks and pieces of

    justlarry, Aug 11, 2005
  2. justlarry

    tim bur Guest

    the whole dash gets removed to access the hvac housing and yes the steering
    colum comes out if it's a careful tech and it can only go bac together one way
    so it will be the exact place it was
    tim bur, Aug 12, 2005
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