A better idea for Delphi, DCX

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bret Ludwig, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. Bret Ludwig

    Bret Ludwig Guest

    Here's a better idea, to borrow a phrase from Ford, for these
    companies: Put Delphi's superior electronics into Mercedes Benz instead
    of the piece of shit Bosch crap ruining MBZ's reliability.

    They could put them into Chryslers too.
    Bret Ludwig, Apr 19, 2006
  2. Bret Ludwig

    MoPar Man Guest

    Here's an even better idea.

    Have Daimler divest itself of Chrysler and let Chrysler become it's
    own independent operating company and not a slave to the whims and
    edicts of it's German owners who drains it of it's profits if not it's
    MoPar Man, Apr 19, 2006
  3. Bret Ludwig

    Joe Guest

    I imagine there was a time they did have Delco stuff in them. Delco pretty
    much ruled the world due to their quality and consistency.
    Joe, Apr 21, 2006
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