99 Intrepid engine noise

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Max, Jan 21, 2005.

  1. Max

    Max Guest

    I'm hearing a rather obvious noise under the top of engine, sounds like
    lifters? A clicking or tapping noise that goes with the revs of the engine.
    Thought at first it might be the timing chains, but wouldn't that noise come
    from the front? Anyway, wondering what might be and should it be looked at
    immediately? Engine has 118,000 kilometers (73,000 miles) on it.
    Max, Jan 21, 2005
  2. Max

    rob Guest

    rob, Jan 21, 2005
  3. Max

    Art Guest

    Have you checked your oil level? If the oil is near the low mark that
    engine makes a racket.
    Art, Jan 21, 2005
  4. Max

    Max Guest

    Just had oil changed about 3 weeks ago Art. Put some Wynn's cleaner in
    today, will see if it quiets it down a bit.
    Max, Jan 21, 2005
  5. Max

    Art Guest

    If you haven't double check the oil level and if it was done by peanut
    butter lube, I would get it done again with a good brand filter and known
    Art, Jan 21, 2005
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