99 chrysler sebring lxi transmission problems

Discussion in 'Sebring' started by shai, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. shai

    shai Guest

    I have a 99 Chrysler Sebring LXi and today of all days, the day after I got
    an oil change, fuel system cleanse and internal engine cleanse. I found out
    that something is wrong with my transmission. It started after I left the gas
    station for getting coffee. It felt like it was pulling or struggling to pick
    up speed. Then I looked at my speedometer and saw that it was not moving. I
    panicked and took it to the nearest shop and the guy said that maybe the
    transmission was going out. He drove it and checked the transmission fluid
    which was full and used the computer system where a code beginning with the
    letter P came up and it said that it was a transmission malfunction. On my
    way to take it to a specialist, the car shut completely off and did not start
    back up until maybe two hours later after the tow truck man picked it up.
    The mechanic said the codes read as band ration?? malfunction and
    transmission malfunction!!!
    shai, Jun 15, 2006
  2. shai

    philthy Guest

    can you post the actual codes ????
    philthy, Jun 16, 2006
  3. shai

    Coasty Guest

    Coasty, Jun 16, 2006
  4. shai

    sqdancerLynn Guest

    FIRST thing you need to do is get the speedo fixed without the speedo
    signal it will go into fail safe mode. Check around the trans & make sure
    all of the wires are good & nothing was knocked loose during the service
    sqdancerLynn, Jun 16, 2006
  5. shai

    Hennie Guest

    First thing to do is replace the VSS (Vehicle Speed Sensor) located on the
    transaxle between the two ATF hoses.

    Hennie, Jun 16, 2006

  6. I researched this website earlier and the place where my car was serviced did
    use the DEXRON plus and additive. I question the tranny mechanic and he said
    that DEXRON would not mess up my transmission and that many other companies
    use it. He said that He didnt believe that was the problem!!!
    shai via CarKB.com, Jun 16, 2006
  7. Then I called the dealership's auto shop and they said that ATF4 was supposed
    to be used only. So now I am confused. I don't know what the next step
    should be. I don't know what was used before this place because I never had
    this happen.
    shai via CarKB.com, Jun 16, 2006
  8. shai

    Bill Putney Guest

    It is imperative that you have the Dexron™ removed and ATF+4 put in.
    It's one of those unfortunate things that 99% of the tranny shops have
    been mis-educated on (giving them the benefit of the doubt).

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jun 16, 2006
  9. shai

    Coasty Guest

    Dextron plus additive is pure BS and they know it does not meet MFGs
    requirements. It happens to often to unsuspecting people and thet end up
    paying for a new tranny.

    Driving around even for 100 miles can start causing internal damage and
    don't let them tell you any different. I would demand that they redo your
    tranny flush and that you tell them you will buy the correct fluid and then
    reimburse you and make them put it in writing.

    If they do not go to the dealer and send them the bill also threaten to take
    them to court or BLOG the hell out of the internet or even take an ad out in
    the paper. The loudest squeek always gets oiled first.

    Coasty, Jun 16, 2006
  10. shai

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Dexron may work fine initially or work with a harsh shift, but do not be
    deceived. It will destroy the transmission over time. Fix the speed
    sensor, then get it flushed out of there and get your money back for the
    trouble they caused you.

    Bob Shuman, Jun 17, 2006
  11. shai

    philthy Guest

    when i worked at a dealer we were required to use dexron trans fluid in the flush
    machine instead of atf4( half the cost ) but we were also required to use a
    additive that b&g provided with the flush machine and we had no complaints as long
    as the additive was used and b&g called it a conditioner i found no info what was
    in it either
    philthy, Jun 18, 2006
  12. shai

    Coasty Guest

    B&G products and flushes are some of the best on the market and I use them
    for everything except the transmission. I get it done at the Dealer for the
    same as a B&G flush also stay away from the AAMCO flushes they do not use
    the correct fluid either and also thought the additive MFG specs which is
    BS. Since you can get 55 gallon drums of ATF+4 Valvoline now may be the
    flush places will start using the correct fluid. AutoZone and Advance has
    ATF+4 on the shelf at about $2 cheaper than the Dealer. I just bought two
    cases at AutoZone yesterday. All four of my vehicles are DC products and I
    have some maintenance coming up on 3- out of the four.


    Coasty, Jun 18, 2006
  13. shai

    Bill Putney Guest

    Don't you know no proper English!! It's "I git-r-done at the dealer...! :)

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jun 18, 2006
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