99 Caravan 2.4L - service engine light with code 55??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by rachelms79, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. rachelms79

    rachelms79 Guest

    99 Caravan 2.4L, 38K miles. Service engine light went on. Gas cap was
    loose, almost off completely, so I tightened it. I checked the codes
    by 1) holding Reset and Trip buttons on odometer, 2) key to ACC, 3)
    release buttons after 5 seconds, 4) push Trip button. Odometer flashes
    only 55. Is the 99 Caravan 2.4L an old style code, i.e. 55 means "end
    of codes"? But the Service Engine light is still on. Is there a fuse
    I can pull to reset the PCM and clear the code? I don't have the skill
    or guts to disconnect the battery myself.

    Thanks much. -R.
    rachelms79, Aug 3, 2005
  2. rachelms79

    maxpower Guest

    It would have to see 2 good trips (start up from cold and reach operating
    temp) before the lite will turn off if it was the loose cap.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Aug 3, 2005
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