98 Town and Country starting problems

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by robingates, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. robingates

    robingates Guest

    I have a 98 Town and Country LXi minivan that has an intermittent
    starting problem. It will start and then immediatly die three times.
    On the fourth try it will not turn over at all. Also many of the dash
    lights will not come on. If I wait a day, it will usually start and
    have no problems for a week or so. It has been to the Chrysler dealer
    four times now and they can't find the problem because often it will
    start when they get around to looking at it. Does anyone have leads on
    what the problem is? Thanks.
    robingates, Sep 7, 2006
  2. Wait a day, and the fifth time they should be able to fix it.
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Sep 8, 2006
  3. robingates

    NewMan Guest

    How old is your battery???

    Lots of weird behaviour is associated with an intermittent short in
    one of the battery cells.

    Also, check the ground connections and make sure they are secure.
    NewMan, Sep 8, 2006
  4. Had a similar problem. Had a "Pop" sound while cranking and the entire
    electric system went dead. Thought I had some how grounded the starter
    cable. Nothing found. tried jumping nothing. Next day it jumped fine.
    About ten starts later dead system. Next day jumps fine. And again. This
    time I wiggled the wires and it started. After going through this for a
    month chasing wire after wire, I put the car on a crank tester putting a 100
    Amp load and started cranking.
    I received 12 volts, 12, 12, 12, 12, 4, 8, 10, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 2, 4,
    8, 12, and so on.
    Found out one of the plates in the battery had buckled causing an internal
    short in the battery. Next time try turning on the headlights and see if
    they come on while it won't crank. If the lights are off/very dim it might
    be a bad battery.
    OrigDirtyOldMan, Sep 18, 2006
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