Please Help. I have a 98 Sebring Coupe. The problem is that sometimes the engine will turn over but not fire. The fuel pump is not engaging sometimes. I have to wait till i hear it prime inorder for the car to start. Also, sometimes the car idles funny and will even stall when going at slow speeds. I have changed the fuel pump and various other senors for the pump. Last week, Crysler looked at the car and hooked it up on their computer and nothing was found--no codes or problems!! Does anyone have any ideas of what could be wrong?
That sounds like the Distributor is going out, Just curious, how do you know the fuel pump isnt engaging?
Normally, when you turn the key to the on position, you can hear the fuel pump prime for about a second. WHen the car does not want to start, the fuel pump does not make any noise, hence it is not priming. I wonder if it is some kind of electircal promblem??????
Get some cum cutter or intake cleaner to spray inside the throttle body to see if it will start, if it does start then cut off you no it is fuel related/fuel circuit related
the reason i ask is there is some big time issues with the distributors in the 2.5 and it causes all sorts of run and stall and no start issues