98 Intrepin starter

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tim, Mar 26, 2005.

  1. Tim

    Tim Guest

    I have a 98 Intrepid with a bad starter. Do I have to take off the
    catalitic converter to get the starter off?
    Tim, Mar 26, 2005
  2. Tim

    Bob Shuman Guest


    I did a starter on a '98 LHS that had the 3.5L engine and was able to get
    the starter out without removing the exhaust. It took some doing and a
    little "coercion" but in the end everything worked out fine. This vehicle
    was my brother in law's, but the engine is identical to the Intrepid so I
    would think it would be the same.

    In this case, I was able to remove and replace the solenoid contacts (2
    required at $5 each) and this fixed their problem. If interested, search
    the newsgroup archive for previous info that also contained a web site for
    the contacts or do a google search on "Nippondenso Solenoid Contacts".

    Bob Shuman, Mar 26, 2005
  3. Tim

    maxpower Guest

    2.7L ENGINE
    1.. Disconnect battery negative remote cable from remote ground post
    Negative Battery Cable Remote Terminal
    2.. Raise vehicle.
    3.. Remove one nut to Catalyst support bracket.
    4.. Remove two nuts to Catalyst support bracket mounting.
    5.. Remove two wiring harness connectors. One for battery feed, and one
    posi-lock connector.
    6.. Remove two bolts and one nut to starter heat shield.
    7.. Remove three starter attaching bolts from engine/transaxle.
    8.. Remove starter assembly from transmission housing.
    9.. Rotate starter solenoid toward engine block and slide rear of starter
    motor out between catalyst and engine mount.
    10.. Remove the starter from vehicle.
    For installation, reverse the above procedures. Clean corrosion/dirt from
    the cable and wire terminals before installing wiring to the solenoid.

    3.2 / 3.5L ENGINE
    1.. Disconnect battery negative remote cable from remote ground post
    Negative Battery Cable Remote Terminal
    2.. Raise vehicle.
    3.. Remove one nut to Catalyst support bracket.
    4.. Remove two nuts to Catalyst support bracket mounting.
    5.. Remove two bolts and one nut attaching starter to engine Starter - 3.2
    / 3.5L Engine
    6.. Remove battery positive feed wire from starter.
    7.. Remove starter solenoid assembly from transmission housing. Position
    the starter to gain access to the posi-lock wiring connector.
    8.. Position jack stand beneath engine and slightly lift to relieve
    pressure from left engine mount.
    9.. Remove three left engine mount mounting bolts from engine block.
    10.. Jack engine up slightly to give more room to maneuver starter
    11.. Slide rear of starter motor out between catalyst and engine mount.
    12.. Disconnect posi-lock starter solenoid connector.
    13.. Remove the starter from vehicle.
    maxpower, Mar 26, 2005
  4. Tim

    mic canic Guest

    i always just undid the motor mount jack staned it up higher and there it was
    real easy to get to
    mic canic, Mar 31, 2005
  5. Tim

    maxpower Guest

    Your a bold man if you leave the battery connected while doing this job!!
    maxpower, Mar 31, 2005
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