98 Intrepid won't start

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dave, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. Dave

    Dave Guest

    My 98 Intrepid (2.7L) was running fine yesterday, went out today and she
    won't start. It isn't cold out so that's not the problem. The car
    turns over but won't fire. I can also hear the fuel pump pressure up
    when I first turn the key on. I checked the plugs, they looked ok but I
    replaced them anyway. While I had the coil-packs out I checked a couple
    of them to see if I had spark. I put a plug in the boot, grounded it to
    the engine and cranked the motor, looks like I have no spark. Checked
    another one with the same results. Not sure if this works on newer cars
    but thought I'd try it. I checked my fuses and relays and they all
    appear to be fine. Just to be safe I swapped a couple relays from
    non-critical areas (wiper relay) into more critical areas (atomatic
    shut-down relay). Still won't start. Any ideas anyone? I am at a loss
    Dave, Nov 15, 2005
  2. There's a procedure in the factory service manual for a no-start, no-spark
    condition. I don't know what it is for your 98 2.7L and it's probably
    than for my 95 T&C, but the procedure for the 95 basically isolates
    between the relay, the crank sensor, the cam sensor, the engine computer,
    and the
    coil, any of which failure will give a no-spark. (actually the computer
    can run the engine off the crank sensor only, just not very well, but I
    don't know how many years have the logic that can do it)

    I'll assume you don't have a FSM, you really should have one to do anything
    more than an oil change. You can get one for about $30 on Ebay auction
    8013508825. In the meantime while waiting for the manual, check your local
    library for an alldata subscription, many of them have them, and you can
    get the no-spark test procedure for your car from that.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Nov 15, 2005
  3. Dave

    Art Guest

    I had the same problem with a 99 300M. Had it towed and it started fine.
    Never happened again. Chcek all the bolts from the battery to the body to
    see if any are burnt. Mine weren't but someone had a similar problem and
    found a loose nut was the problem. Another possibility is that the security
    system was screwed up by the key of your other car. My Toyota says to keep
    all keys with chips away from the ignition when starting the car or car
    might get confused and refuse to start. I don't think Chyrlser gives the
    same warning but that is a possibility.
    Art, Nov 16, 2005
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