98 Intrepid trnasmission problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jazu, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. jazu

    jazu Guest

    My transmission wont shift up and speedometer shows zero. What I found in
    the internet, tells me that output and input sensor should be replaced. Some
    mechanic run my car thru the computer and told me that some transmission
    computer needs to be replaced too. Is it possible that at the same time all
    these parts could be broken? It looks to me kind a illogical.
    jazu, Jul 17, 2006
  2. jazu

    sqdancerLynn Guest

    sqdancerLynn, Jul 17, 2006
  3. jazu

    jazu Guest

    Thanks for a very good link, but it doesn't answer my question entirely.
    Anyone know more about my problem?
    jazu, Jul 17, 2006
  4. jazu

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Fix the speedometer problem and your transmission will more than likely also
    be fixed.

    If the speedometer in reading zero, then it is most likely the output (drive
    shaft) speed sensor. The part cost me about $25 a few years back. IIRC,
    the part number was the same for my Eagle Vision and the T&C Minivan as
    well. (I've replaced them on both as they are a common failure so dealers
    keep lots in stock). The replacement will take you about 5-10 minutes max
    and is pretty accessible from below if you have a large wrench. It is a
    cheap and easy fix. Make sure the connector is clean when you reconnect the
    new sensor. Good luck.

    Bob Shuman, Jul 17, 2006
  5. jazu

    Bill Putney Guest

    I'll state it even more strongly: The input sensor being bad will not
    cause the speedometer to not work. The output sensor being bad will
    cause the speedometer not to work (as well as the stuck in second gear
    thang). IOW - yes - replace the output speed sensor.
    1" to be exact. Generally a regular 1" socket works - sometimes a 1"
    open end works better on one of the sensors (I forget whether that's the
    input or putput one) due to straight-on access of a socket and extension
    not being very good.
    What Bob said.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jul 18, 2006
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